Welcome to the Jungle!
Have fun on my website about biocultural diversity!

Here you get an insight into my creative work, my discoveries, the love of nature and facts worth knowing. Of course, my dear animals are also in the spotlight and I give you more insights into my life. The pictures and videos are rarely new. However, I have almost always revised them and let my current mood flow into them as well as into the words. Since February 2019 I have already published 939 posts with a total of 1,413 pictures and videos.
If you like what you see here, I would be happy if you follow me on Instagram. You're guaranteed not to miss any of my posts there and you'll get to see even more.

Keksii: Diese Seite ist wirklich sehr schön und interessant.

I am a German artist and micro influencer from Oberursel in Germany. My work focuses on the concept of biocultural diversity and the consequent interaction between art and science.
Further information about Frederic Hilpert read moreWhat is biocultural diversity?
Learn about the importance of biocultural diversity: why it matters, how it affects our environment, its influence on our well-being, successful conservation projects and how we can promote it.

Creativity is intelligence having fun! Browse through my works and be inspired by my artistic playfulness!
all my artworkSPECIES OF THE DAY

Oak splendor beetleAgrilus biguttatus
»see more
11 observations in the last 30 days
This and many other living beings can be found in this overview. In addition, there are observational data with confirmed locations and pictures of each species.
Learn more about life!My leopard geckos!

Live cam and observation dataEublepharis macularius
»see more
Watch my leopard geckos in their terrarium (including real-time terrarium data) and check out the latest finds in the wild.
Animals are fascinating, many can be kept as pets. Each animal has its own requirements. Beyond the species-typical requirements, each individual has its own characteristics that need to be recognized and taken into account. This applies to dogs as well as to horses, scorpions and geckos and all other animals.
You have to have enough time and interest for that. Some animals like to interact with humans, others are just there to watch. Because I show my animals here, this can of course create an incentive to get such animals as well. However, the fact that almost all of my animals have been adopted by me proves that such purchases are often made imprudently. I'll still share my joy in animals with you, but I'm concerned that this will give off harmful impulses.
Please do not only inform yourself, but also consider whether you can and want to be there for the animals in the long term (lifelong). And please also make provisions for what happens to the animals if something happens to you (accident, illness, death).
Exotic animal keeping
As the developer and operator of this website, I attach great importance to a user-friendly and barrier-free offer with added value. I do my best to live up to this claim. I am happy to receive questions and suggestions regarding the technical implementation.
Details on the technical implementation
This website was created entirely by myself. It offers a comprehensive security architecture, based on over 20 years of experience in web development. A strict content security policy offers strong protection against cross-site scripting. All database access occurs according to the best possible security logic. The code already contains 980,000 characters and accesses a powerful database with currently 184 million characters! This includes an intelligent content management system developed specifically for my purposes. The front end created is characterized by a clear structure and fast loading times. Modern media formats are preloaded on demand and contain relevant information for SEO and accessibility. HTML5 semantic markup is detailed and allows screen readers and search engines to capture the content correctly. Multilingualism has been implemented down to the smallest detail, including number and time format. The website can be expanded as required. For example, I have connected my self-developed terrarium manager and thus offers real-time data from sensors and cameras.
In the last 24 hours there were a total of 8,651 page views from 1,419 different visitors. Of these, 1,419 visitors accessed the page for the first time (or after a long time).