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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Post #863:

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Picture in Oberursel

I was excluded from my family because I did not meet their expectations, did not allow myself to be controlled and therefore appeared to be a threat.

The expulsion of an unwanted member by a family or group demonstrates strength and unity by elevating themselves above the expelled member.

False accusations are used to discredit the member and prevent them from gaining recognition or influence in another group. This tactic protects the original group from potential threats and strengthens its cohesion and power structure by avoiding internal conflicts and external hostile relations.

Evolution: Already in early tribal societies, expulsion was a pragmatic solution to safeguard the tribe. Instead of killing the member or keeping them nearby, which could provoke internal revenge acts and external threats, they just were banished. This allowed the expelled individual to seek a new existence in distant regions while minimizing the direct threat to the tribe and ensuring internal stability.

These behavioral patterns follow certain rules that have proven effective over the course of evolution to ensure the survival and stability of groups.

This is well described by anthropological, historical and social-psychological findings, and in its modern form still takes place today. But also the existence of alternative behaviors and ways of resolving conflicts.

Schopenhauer argued that human morality is often shaped by selfish motives and prejudices, and that human behavior in many cases is not fundamentally different from the behavior of animals.

There are groups that welcome my characteristics. They have a different culture and conduct internal disputes constructively. The fact that I was excluded says nothing about my qualities, but more about the inability of others to accept and love me as I am.

When opportunities for a new "tribal affiliation" arise, I address the reasons openly because I set the standard for what kind of treatment I will accept. Honesty and independence are more important to prevent experiencing the same negative situations in a new group that would again cost personal resources.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Neurodiversity

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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