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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Post #906:

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Picture in Hidroelectrica

⛰️🏞 A stream in the distant lands of South America begins deep within a dense forest, hidden beneath the canopy where the air is thick with moisture and secrets. It is a quiet revelation, an inexhaustible whisper emerging from the earth as if the world itself seeks to tell its innermost story. So too, does the human mind.

The stream is not a mighty river, not the Amazon carrying cities or feeding oceans. It is a modest origin, a winding thought between roots, rocks, and moss. Yet therein lies its strength: it understands what remains hidden. Its water, clear and cool, reminds us that the inconspicuous often harbors the most essential things.

The stream mirrors the mind of someone with ADHD. Its flow is unpredictable, leaping from one point to another, changing pace and direction, as if it searches for a path with no clear destination. But like the stream, this mind has a deeper purpose, an inner harmony that reveals itself only to those who look closely.

The dense forest symbolizes the societal prejudices, the misunderstandings surrounding it. It is thick, a labyrinth of opinions and stereotypes, threatening to swallow the stream whole. Yet the denser the forest, the clearer the truth becomes: the stream cannot be stopped. It carves its path because water must flow—it is its nature to move.

Elementally, the stream is a metaphor for the relentless force of life. Water, finding its way through obstacles, is the symbol of the mind that unfolds despite pressure and constraint. It may seem wild, impulsive, and chaotic, but it carries within it a purity and depth that can only be revealed through movement.

And when the stream leaves the forest, uniting with other waters and finally emerging into the light, it is no longer the small, chaotic trickle it once was. It becomes part of something larger, a river that gives life and connects worlds.

Just as the human spirit with its uniqueness: every impulse, every curve, every sudden turn drives it forward—toward a greater understanding, a deeper current that unites it with the world.

Topics: ➟ Neurodiversity ➟ Peru

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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