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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Post #909:

Published on
🧭 Oberursel
🌐 Oberursel, Hesse, Germany
Picture in Oberursel

🍫 Chocolate and Coal

🌈πŸ¦₯✨️ People who display behavior or performance that is inexplicable from your perspective still deserve the usual respect, regardless of the lack of an explanation.

πŸ—πŸ§±πŸ If I haven't said anything about something, there's no need to make anything up about it.

πŸ—£πŸ“’πŸ˜ But now I have potentially informed my entire town.

πŸ§ͺπŸ¦₯πŸ”œπŸ— Slander works by spreading lies that, combined with inexplicable peculiarities, create an apparently coherent picture. However, these falsehoods often do not lead to a discussion with the slandered person but rather to changes in behavior.

πŸ™€πŸ’¬πŸ€¨ Confrontation is unpleasant, after all, and people generally avoid it by talking behind someone's back instead. You only notice it through strange comments and odd behavior, which are explained with so-called secret knowledge (people become condescending and mysterious, or even aggressive when you ask how they came to that conclusion, or they reply with "everyone knows").


Everyone is greeted normally, but I get a pause:

"I don't know how to greet you?" - "No idea, maybe you can do a handstand?"


I simply have ADHD and am treated like a severe case of autism (I am denied basic skills).

πŸŽ²πŸƒπŸ‘Ύ However, anyone who still dares to speak about me in this way now risks encountering people who are already informed. Because either they know me – in which case the question arises why they are speaking about me in such a manner – or they don’t know me – in which case the same question arises.

πŸ’ͺ🧠🌈 The problem with these people is that they don’t understand how confidently I have integrated my neurological condition into my identity and that I never have an issue talking about my weaknessesβ€”at least the real ones.

πŸ€΄πŸ‘ΈπŸ¦„ This challenges their proud expectations, which they have in that seemingly superior moment, and apparently, such things easily turn into underhanded nastiness.

πŸͺ·πŸ€½β€β™‚οΈπŸ No one needs to tell me the phrase "don’t listen to what others say". That’s immature and dismisses my experiences and my right to live in a neighborhood where I receive the usual respect and decency, just like any other person.

Topics: ➟ Digital art ➟ Neurodiversity

πŸ€— For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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