This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
I pull on doors that say push. But actually I like efficiency. My bed is efficient. And I want to present things accurately. That's why I look at the world critically and question a lot. Journalists, well, are not necessarily the best measure to properly assess the methodology of studies. Simplifications are much more catchy!
It is often assumed that women are more empathetic than men because of their social connections and supposedly stronger emotional perception. However, this assumption may be inaccurate because it does not fully capture the complexity of empathy and human perception. Rather, it can be argued that women develop a greater basic knowledge of other people's emotional states because of their kind of social connections. This basic knowledge often leads to a greater agreement with others' feelings because they often apply their own emotional projections to what they observe. However, this agreement is not always a sign of accurate empathy, but rather a result of the personal ideas and assumptions that are projected onto others' perceptions.
Men, on the other hand, may try to understand others' emotions and thoughts from a more unbiased perspective without automatically imposing their own assumptions. This may lead them to look more closely when recognizing feelings or needs, even though they may make more erroneous judgments in doing so.
Empathy is not just an intuition, but an active, individual process based on discussion and reflection. It requires the ability to set aside one's own prejudices and understand others.
Experiences in which one is outside the social norm and is therefore often confronted with misjudgments create a deeper sensitivity to the complexity of perception and empathy. They recognize how easy it is to draw wrong conclusions based on projections or preconceptions and experience first-hand how important it is to consciously detach oneself from one's own ideas in order to really understand. This outsider perspective can therefore provide a valuable basis for deeper and more precise empathy that is based less on assumptions and more on genuine discussion.
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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