Post #468:

The tear on this photo comes from the feeling of sadness. The loved one, far away. The desire for physical closeness couldn't be fulfilled. I captured this moment and I like the result. It's a pure photo. A quiet moment of solitude. An expression of vulnerability.❤️
It's just a sparkling "I love you!" running down my face.💖
Don't worry, I am ok! 😊✨
The reasons for tears are very diverse. There are tears of joy, concern, sadness, fatigue, physical or emotional pain or as a reaction to an external stimulus such as when cutting onions. 🧅🗡️😭
They are often associated with feelings and some even know how to fake them ("crocodile tears").🐊💦
However, their basic functions include lubricating the eyes, removing irritants and aiding the immune system. They even contain germicidal enzymes like lysozymes. 🦠🙃
Topic: ➟ Selfies
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #authentic #facialexpressions #liebedichselbst #auge #eyecolor #teardrops #sloth #gefühle #mimik #liefdes #empathic #oddeye #blickwinkel #psychologie #tränen #slothlife #colorfuleyes #portrait_universe #ojo #sensitivecontent #imissyousomuch #ojos #lamirilla #weinen #augen #beautifuleyes #mirilla #schöneaugen