Post #510:

The van Eyck brothers. Brothers?
Jan van Eyck (born 1380-1395 in Maaseik, died 1441 in Bruges) was a well-known artist who was also highly valued by other artists at the time. But there are no statements from contemporary witnesses about his supposed brother Hubert. The Ghent Altarpiece is considered a joint work by the van Eyck brothers and is the main reason for Hubert's fame. The Ghent Altarpiece was started in the mid-1420s and, according to some information, was completed in 1432. According to other dates, the chapel was consecrated in 1432 and the altar was not placed until three years later. Hubert died in 1426. Albrecht Dürer, who saw this work with his own eyes, only spoke of Jan van Eyck's work and did not say a word about Hubert. If you consider how important the participation of Hubert later was to the city of Ghent, it is so surprising that he received no attention for a long time and died under poor conditions.
Perhaps it is far more likely that the city of Ghent later discovered that there was a citizen named Hubert van Eyck. A good opportunity to bring some fame to the city.
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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