Post #587:

To photograph a lizard, you have to think like a lizard, move like a lizard...
Here I sneaked up on a sand lizard (Lacerta agilis) 🦎🌞
He clearly wanted to be seen.💚 Males turn bright green during the spring mating season - from April to June - and brown again in the late summer.🤎
Topic: ➟ Selfies
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #sandlizard #lizardpose #eidechse #lacertaagilis #germanwildlife #crocodilehunter #lagarto #hagedis #jaszczurka #lizardpeople #squamata #natures #sunbathıng #herpetologia #lezard #echsen #lacertilia #reptilephotography #niederursel #zauneidechse #lagartija #トカゲ #도마뱀 #ящерица #tiere #sonnenbad #naturegram