Post #647:

The Friedenslinde (Peace Linden) 🌳
Green is the color of hope. I can still remember the first time I heard that saying. I was asked to choose the color for a game called "Mensch ärgere Dich nicht!" (Man, Don't Get Angry!) and I chose green. I didn't win.
Still, I stuck with this color. Because you should never give up hope.
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #peaceandlove #beautiful #floral #lindentree #mayday #baumliebe #linde #instaflora #naturerfahrung #beautifultree #anecdotas #colorofhope #greencolor #naturephotography #baum #treesofinstagram #treephotography #hoffnung #plantas #boom #colorfulnature #freshleaves #naturaleza #naturfotografie #naturaleza🍃 #frieden #frühling #erstermai