Post #824:

🌤🌱😎 I think that what I am doing on Instagram and other social media is very important. People's connection to nature has diminished greatly over the course of industrialization and urbanization. This is also reflected in the media landscape, where nature has become increasingly less important over the last 200 years. While people are losing this connection, we are losing more and more species, and with the loss of this diversity we are putting our livelihoods at great risk. I impart knowledge and perspectives, and give nature an emotional closeness.🍀🐞
You can find more information on my website (link in profile). There you will also find more data on the species presented and my artwork. Since I do everything myself, there is a lot of work involved. I appreciate your moral support. 💚💛🧡
Topic: ➟ Selfies
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #naturschutz #vielfalt #biologischevielfalt #naturverbunden #biodiversität #naturediversity #natureprotection #künstler #artists #emotionen #emotions #creators #faultiere #natureknowsbest #socialmedia #spaziergang #selfies #artensterben #animalextinction #climatechange #klimawandel #umweltverschmutzung #naturnah #draußen #diversityoflife #ourfuture #kreativeköpfe