Post #830:

🙃💭 At the intersection between 'Peace Linden' and 'Wall Street'. A wall serves as a fortification and protection. It is a means of fulfilling the need for peace. But if everyone isolates themselves, there can be no exchange and mutual understanding. The needs of one party can change, and those who do not identify with others could feel justified in using their strengths to their advantage.
Species in this post: Human Homo sapiensTopic: ➟ Selfies
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #understanding #protection #communication #philosophy #wisdom #balance #humanity #community #empathy #exchange #reflection #perspective #mindfulness #frieden #verständnis #einheit #schutz #isolation #kommunikation #philosophie #weisheit #menschlichkeit #gemeinschaft #empathie #austausch #reflexion #perspektive #achtsamkeit