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Post #882:

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šŸ§­ Bommersheim
šŸŒ Oberursel, Hesse, Germany
Picture in Bommersheim

For someone with ADHD, itā€™s difficult to speak publicly about the subject when you feel systematically disadvantaged. But itā€™s precisely those who are affected who can offer real insight, while the media mostly spreads stereotypes and idealized images. Iā€™ve noticed how popular overly simple answers have become, paired with an aggressiveness that leaves no room for nuance. Iā€™ve realized that a lot of what seems helpful at first glance turns out to be the opposite.

Weā€™re talking about slogans that reduce negative behavior to "evil" personality traits. Many people seem to live in a world full of so-called narcissists and disrespect. But most of the people labeled as "narcissists" arenā€™t that at all. Often, itā€™s the person making these accusations whoā€™s showing self-centered thinking and limited understanding. People quickly applaud when certain figures simplify behavior with bold, clear words. "People donā€™t change. If your partner lies to you, itā€™s a lack of respect!"ā€”what a statement. If only the world were that simple.

When you rely on your own assumptions about another person's motives, you enter the inner workings of the person in conflict without showing understanding, but rather empowering yourself over that person and the conflict.

Humans are not here to fulfill each others personal expectations, there is always a greater context. Communication is not about forcing people into boxes. People arenā€™t footballs to be kicked into the goal of your perception; theyā€™re complex beings, full of flaws, fears, and mistakes. I realize this poorly nuanced, highly polarized circus.

What Iā€™m trying to say is this: the drive for simple answers and clear-cut villains misses the point entirely. Human beings, especially those with ADHD or other challenges, donā€™t fit neatly into black-and-white categories. As long as we keep falling for these cheap simplifications, we prevent real understanding and deepen the divide.

Species in this post: Sorrel Rumex acetosa Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Neurodiversity

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