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Post #929:

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🔧🧰🌍 Easier than repairing the planet!

If a hair clippers has served you well for over a decade and then stops working, it might seem reasonable to just buy a new one. The exact same model today costs between 40 and 50 euros. From a personal effort standpoint, it initially seems more plausible to buy a new one rather than repair it.

♻️ However, the issue is the resulting electronic waste. Especially small appliances quickly end up in the household trash, even though they can be dropped off at any major electronics retailer for recycling. But even when it's properly taken to recycling, only about 60 percent is actually recycled. Additionally, a lot is illegally disposed of or sent abroad, where cheap labor is exposed to toxic chemicals, and groundwater gets contaminated. This doesn’t have to be the case!

🔧 Usually, it’s just a small thing that needs to be repaired, like a small part or even just the battery, as in my case. With a little skill, you can either do it yourself or find someone who wants to help. There are repair cafés, classifieds, and even online services that accept defective electronics to repair them.

🤓 I decided to give it a try myself. Since I often tinker, I already have a soldering iron set at home (which isn’t expensive either). I carefully disassembled the hair clippers and guessed it was the batteries. After such a long time, it’s a logical assumption. So I ordered the appropriate replacement batteries online, focusing mainly on size (AAA) and voltage (1.2 volts). The cost for the batteries was 6 euros, plus 6 euros for the unfortunately oversized shipping (why such a huge box?). I removed the old batteries by melting the solder and sucking it up. Then I installed the new batteries and soldered them in place. Unfortunately, I worked a bit carelessly and damaged the circuit trace for the LED lights. No big deal! The hair clippers work! I just had to reassemble it correctly. I unnecessarily took the cutting head completely apart – this turned out to be a bit tricky to reverse – but in the end, it was successful! Here’s to another decade with my hair clippers!

Topic: ➟ Selfies

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