Except for the painting, I haven't posted about Dakota in a year and a half!😲
To compensate for that, there is not only a photo, but also a poem that I wrote 6 years ago.🙈
It's in German, but I've translated it for you below.🐁
Die Schlange
Im Dunkel vergraben, harrte sie aus.
Ihr Kleid ward zu eng, niemals kam sie heraus.
Die Sicht ward trüber Nebelschwaden gleich.
Sie harrte aus, das Kleid ward feucht, das Kleid ward weich.
Es drängte sich, ein Muskelzucken, unruhig auf.
Es schlängelte sich, zum Mäuseschlucken, schon bald herauf.
Der Drang zum Gedeihen, er ward ihr inne.
Ein neuer Glanz, ward in ihr, da drinne.
Sie kam nach oben, platzte gleich.
Ihr glänzend Körper, voll Muskelfleisch.
The Snake
Buried in the dark, she persevered.
Her dress was too tight, she never came out.
The view was like gloomy clouds of mist.
She persevered, the dress became damp, the dress became soft.
It urged itself, a muscle twitch, restlessly.
It soon snaked up for mice to swallow.
The urge to thrive, it became her.
There was a new shine in her inside.
She came up and was about to burst.
Her shiny body, full of muscle meat.
Species in this post:
Corn snake
Pantherophis guttatus
➟ Snakes
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project
Related post on Instagram
Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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