Post #410:

That's me after my Jugendweihe 20 years ago. The Jugendweihe (Youth consecration) is a secular coming of age ceremony practised by German 14-year-olds, mainly known in East Germany. In 2000 there where almost 100,000 participants nationwide, 10 years later there where only around 25,000 participants. However, this has less to do with popularity. After the reunification of Germany, many moved from the east to the west. There's even evidence that the popularity of the Jugendweihe increases again. I liked it because I got money and thenceforth was allowed to stay up 2 hours longer. I lived in a children's home with very strict rules and my new privilege became a real blessing, especially because I could finally watch the really interesting movies. π
Species in this post: Human Homo sapiensTopic: ➟ Selfies
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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