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Post #913:

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Picture in Into The Woods

🐯🔥 I have a "spotted coat" made up of light blonde, dark blonde, red, white, and gray hairs. This variety of colors reminds me of the patterns seen in animals like lynxes or tigers, where irregular colors serve the purpose of camouflage.

🦣 In prehistoric times, my multicolored hair structure could have served a similar function. The light and dark strands would have mimicked the interplay of light and shadow in the environment. Light hair, such as my blonde or white strands, would reflect the light filtering through the treetops, while darker hairs would have imitated the shadows of the vegetation. This irregular pattern would have helped me blend into the shaded surroundings of forests or open landscapes, making me less visible—similar to animals whose fur patterns merge with their environment.

🐅 In addition to camouflage, the striking hair color could have also played a social role, such as in group identification or mate selection. My "spotted coat" could therefore have been not only an aesthetic feature but also a remnant of a functional adaptation to nature.

🧬 Genetically, the variety in hair colors can be explained by complex inheritance patterns. Hair color is influenced by several genes, with the MC1R gene being the most important for red hair. This gene regulates whether the hair predominantly produces the red pigment pheomelanin or the brown/black pigment eumelanin. Variations in this gene lead to different hair colors, from red to darker or blonde shades. Other genes, such as the ASIP gene, influence the intensity and tone of hair color, particularly the production of dark hair.

🏔🏞 The genetic diversity in hair color could also be an adaptation to climatic conditions or habitats. In northern regions, where there is less sunlight, gene variants may have favored lighter hair colors to absorb more UV light and promote vitamin D production.

Topic: ➟ Selfies

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #201:

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Picture in Zoo Frankfurt Picture in Zoo Frankfurt

The Sumatran tiger is the only surviving tiger population in the Sunda Islands, where the Bali and Javan tigers already extinct. The species is listed as "Critical Endangered" on the Red List. Zoos like the Frankfurt Zoological Garden try to breed them. The success is very important for the preservation. Since 2017, there is a new male. But he doesn't harmonize with the female. Therefore, it's necessary to exchange with other zoos to preserve this rare animal.

Species in this post: Sumatran tiger Panthera tigris sumatrae
Topics: ➟ Zoo ➟ Digital art

🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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