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Post #828:

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Picture in Oberursel

⛅️ When we look at the clouds, we rarely think about life, but dream ourselves away into our own world of imagination. Suddenly, I'm telling you about an ocean in the sky where life is spread out. What lives in the clouds? Birds? Insects? Angels? Probably not. So high up, in the harsh conditions of cold and radiation, there is only very special life. I will now open your eyes to the fantastic world of microorganisms.

🦠 One of these many microorganisms is Pseudomonas syringae, a plant pathogen. It likes to live on and in plants and has a special trick to attack them. The bacterium forms a structure on its surface that acts as an ice nucleus, causing water above the freezing point to freeze. This means that ice crystals form more quickly at low temperatures, damaging the plant tissue and making it more accessible to the bacteria.

❄️ Many microorganisms, such as bacteria and fungi, are transported into the upper layers of the atmosphere by atmospheric buoyancy and strong winds. Some species have adapted to survive these conditions. The ability of Pseudomonas syringae to form ice crystals even influences cloud formation and precipitation. In this way, microorganisms not only influence the weather but also reach new places, encountering new plants and new genes.

🧬 Bacteria are an important factor in horizontal gene transfer. This means the direct transfer of genes to other life forms without reproduction, for example, from bacteria to animals and plants and vice versa. In very rare cases, this even influences the germ line and thus the evolution of more complex species.

♻️ Microorganisms are often only visible to us when they cause disease. However, they play a crucial role in our ecosystem. Infected plants, for example, are made accessible to other living creatures.

🌍 In other words, countless highly complex processes take place, influenced by the dynamics between life and climate - above our heads, under our feet, and within us.

Species in this post: Pseudomonas syringae Pseudomonas syringae

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #776:

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Picture in Hirschgarten

In deadwood, it is common for fungi to decompose more organic material than they directly consume. This is because fungi engage in extracellular digestion, producing enzymes to break down the complex material of deadwood into simpler compounds. During this process, nutrients in the wood are released for the fungi and other organisms in the surrounding ecosystem.

The rich microbiome developing on deadwood can also contribute to decomposition and nutrient release. The diversity of microorganisms colonizing deadwood, including various fungal species and bacteria, enhances the efficiency of decomposition and nutrient release.

Deadwood decomposition plays a vital role in the ecosystem by recycling nutrients and making them available for the growth of new plants and organisms. While fungi utilize nutrients for their own growth, other organisms also benefit from the released nutrients, contributing to a rich and diverse ecosystem.

🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #337:

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Picture in Frankfurt am Main

The realm of my corn snake. 🐍🌿
I've attached the water bowl with a branch. Now a cute little mushroom has grown out of the branch. 🍄🙃

Species in this post: Corn snake Pantherophis guttatus

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #277:

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Picture in Oberursel

Infected by mushroom! 🍄
Claviceps purpurea is an ergot fungus that grows on the ears of rye and related plants.
Can you spot it? This is used to make LSD. This fungus is poisonous and will be removed later from the harvest! In medieval times, poisonings were often. The commonly referred to as "St. Anthony's Fire" ergotism has dire consequences and can lead to death. The alkaloids contained therein may also trigger hallucinations, and may have played a role in the genesis of mythical creatures.

Species in this post: Rye ergot fungus Claviceps purpurea Rye Secale cereale

🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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