Post #920:

⚠️ Today, the CDU deliberately collaborated with the right-wing extremist AfD. All other parties made their position clear beforehand. The @cdu cannot pretend to regret it!!!
The CDU's decision today to cooperate with the far-right AfD is a deeply troubling moment in German politics, and it feels like a significant departure from the principles on which the party was founded. As the great-grandson of Dr. Werner Hilpert, a co-founder of the CDU and a political prisoner in the Buchenwald concentration camp for over five years, I am particularly sensitive to the historical weight this decision carries. My great-grandfather and others risked their lives to establish a party that stood firmly against extremism and for democratic values.
By seeking support from the AfD, the CDU risks undermining the very foundation of those values. The AfD, with its radical positions, challenges the democratic principles that the CDU once defended so strongly - such as human dignity, equality, and the protection of minorities. This move represents a break from the firewall that was once firmly in place to keep extremist forces at bay. It’s hard to ignore the historical context in which my great-grandfather and many others built the party: a time when the fight against tyranny and fascism was literal, and their vision for Germany was one of reconciliation, freedom, and democracy.
The consequences of this decision go far beyond a simple political maneuver. It could embolden the AfD, normalize extremist rhetoric, and deepen political polarization across Germany. Once the line is crossed, the danger of a gradual erosion of democratic principles becomes very real. The CDU’s move today risks destabilizing the political landscape, and it may open the door for further compromises with forces that threaten the integrity of Germany’s democratic order. It’s a moment that should make every member of the CDU reflect on the legacy of those who built it and whether they are still living up to those founding principles.
🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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