This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Intuition, Mindfulness, and Reflection:
The diagonal forms when the number of posts is divisible by three and represents a moment of balance and alignment in my system. This line signifies the ideal time to realign, as the system is in perfect balance. The diagonal, as a symbol of balance, points to a state of clarity, and that is the moment for change. Each of the three eyes – Intuition, Mindfulness, and Reflection – appears at regular intervals along the line, emphasizing that optimal alignment can only be achieved through a combination of these three qualities.
Intuition: One eye stands for the ability to recognize inner insights, even when external cues are absent.
Mindfulness: Another eye symbolizes the need to be present in the moment and attentive to changes or details.
Reflection: The third eye represents the ability to think about experiences and learn from them.
When the number of posts is not divisible by three, an imbalance occurs, and instead, the eyes form triangles. These triangles symbolize a stable self that reorients itself in different directions during times of imbalance:
A downward-pointing triangle represents inner stability and reflection during a phase of imbalance.
An upward-pointing triangle stands for outward-directed mindfulness and the willingness to adapt and respond to changes in order to restore balance.
Intuition remains a leading quality, even in moments of imbalance, helping to find the right path back to balance.
Once a number divisible by three is reached, the diagonal reappears. This diagonal signals the return to balance and marks the optimal moment for change and alignment.
In summary, the cycle symbolizes the interplay between stability and change, with the three eyes – Intuition, Mindfulness, and Reflection – serving as constant companions:
The diagonal represents balance and transformation through the alignment of these three qualities.
The triangles show that stability can also be achieved in times of imbalance by reorienting the self in different directions through Intuition, Mindfulness, and Reflection.
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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