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Expressing your own aesthetics is healthy because it demonstrates self-respect, self-expression, and self-confidence. Feeling comfortable and emphasizing your personal aesthetics promotes self-confidence and well-being. It can also contribute to developing a positive self-image and self-acceptance, which in turn can improve mental well-being.

Furthermore, expressing your aesthetics on social media can be a way to connect with like-minded individuals, unleash your creativity, and showcase your personality. It can be a means of self-realization and expressing your individuality, which is important for a healthy self-concept.

In some pictures I show myself unclothed or highlight areas of bare skin. There are prejudices about this for a variety of reasons. Showing skin is not an expression of sexual availability for either men or women. There is no other information about personality either. For me, finding your own body aesthetically is the most normal thing in the world.

It's important that people have the freedom to celebrate their own bodies and aesthetics in their own way, without feeling restricted by prejudices or societal norms.

Post #923:

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Women are generally considered to be the empathetic gender. I can't really confirm that. I think the term benevolence is more appropriate here. I think women tend to be more benevolent, whereas empathy is a skill that can be developed regardless of gender. I think many people don't know the difference between morality and empathy. Empathy means being open to the perspective and needs of others. Morality is an ideal that everyone has for themselves. Forcing this ideal on others has nothing to do with empathy.

One example is that men are often told: You don't need to build muscles. You don't need to reinforce your masculinity. But that immediately makes a judgment, then connects it with a personal ideal and then tries to talk the other person into adopting that very same ideal. That is not empathy, even if it stems from a motive of benevolence. That is moralizing.

In fact, even if the motives are fundamentally different, the effect is not so dissimilar to the infamous gaslighting (a subtle form of violence). As a man, you can become just as insecure and doubt yourself as women and non-binary people. Nobody - regardless of gender - wants to be told what they can and cannot want.

For men, physical strength is not a universal need, but a common one that is in the nature of men. Likewise, dominance or strength through superiority are completely natural drives - which, by the way, also occur in women.

In a society, it is not about setting rules about who can be what, but about everyone being able to live out their needs freely within a socially acceptable framework without being reduced to that or judged as a human being. When we talk about toxic masculinity, we mean a dynamic that is harmful - for example, aggressive behavior that harms others (that is, not socially acceptable). But if we keep talking about toxic masculinity, we must also talk about toxic femininity. Toxic femininity, for example, is the moralizing behavior I described. And if we now separate ourselves from the idea that both things can be stereotypically assigned to genders, we might be able to find a more objective basis for discussion that is not based on demonization but on empathy.

Topics: ➟ Neurodiversity ➟ Selfies

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Post #921:

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Picture in Oberursel

There is an agreement between the democratic parties of the Bundestag (German parliament) not to work with extreme parties. Parties that are not on the outer fringe are considered democratic parties. Extreme politics is undemocratic. The fact that such parties can still be elected to the Bundestag is democratic - but it does not oblige anyone to include them in alliances. This principle is not about arbitrary exclusion but rather about preserving democratic norms. The German constitution explicitly defends a defensive democracy, meaning it can and does take measures against parties that threaten democratic principles.

Extreme politics is considered undemocratic because the consequences in their extreme form are disproportionate to the will of the people, which is excluded from a theoretical majority.

If, for example, the party Die Linke were to find a majority for a government, it could mean extreme changes for a large part of the population that would deviate too far from the common consensus.

At the state level, however, there can be no overarching agreement because the respective state levels of the parties make their own rules. This is due to the federalist system. That is why there can be coalitions with extreme parties at the state level, for example with the far-left party Die Linke, but not in the Bundestag. The impact of a party on a state level would not be as big.

The AfD has been classified in parts as an extremist organization by Germany’s domestic intelligence agency, particularly due to racist, nationalist, and anti-democratic tendencies. Statements from prominent AfD politicians have repeatedly included anti-migrant, antisemitic, and anti-Muslim rhetoric, which many consider to be fundamentally inhumane.

On the other hand, while Die Linke has some extreme factions (such as those with anti-capitalist or pro-communist leanings), its core ideology is generally based on social justice, redistribution, and pacifism, rather than targeting specific groups of people. This is why the mainstream parties sometimes cooperate with Die Linke at the state level but consistently refuse any alliance with the AfD.

Topic: ➟ Selfies

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Post #920:

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Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel

⚠️ Today, the CDU deliberately collaborated with the right-wing extremist AfD. All other parties made their position clear beforehand. The @cdu cannot pretend to regret it!!!

The CDU's decision today to cooperate with the far-right AfD is a deeply troubling moment in German politics, and it feels like a significant departure from the principles on which the party was founded. As the great-grandson of Dr. Werner Hilpert, a co-founder of the CDU and a political prisoner in the Buchenwald concentration camp for over five years, I am particularly sensitive to the historical weight this decision carries. My great-grandfather and others risked their lives to establish a party that stood firmly against extremism and for democratic values.

By seeking support from the AfD, the CDU risks undermining the very foundation of those values. The AfD, with its radical positions, challenges the democratic principles that the CDU once defended so strongly - such as human dignity, equality, and the protection of minorities. This move represents a break from the firewall that was once firmly in place to keep extremist forces at bay. It’s hard to ignore the historical context in which my great-grandfather and many others built the party: a time when the fight against tyranny and fascism was literal, and their vision for Germany was one of reconciliation, freedom, and democracy.

The consequences of this decision go far beyond a simple political maneuver. It could embolden the AfD, normalize extremist rhetoric, and deepen political polarization across Germany. Once the line is crossed, the danger of a gradual erosion of democratic principles becomes very real. The CDU’s move today risks destabilizing the political landscape, and it may open the door for further compromises with forces that threaten the integrity of Germany’s democratic order. It’s a moment that should make every member of the CDU reflect on the legacy of those who built it and whether they are still living up to those founding principles.

Topic: ➟ Selfies

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Post #919:

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Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel

🚌✨️ Well, I'm sitting on a bus.
Like almost every day.

🥕 And in the right light you can also see that I eat my carrots regularly.

Topic: ➟ Selfies

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Post #918:

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Picture in Bommersheim Picture in Bommersheim Picture in Bommersheim Picture in Bommersheim

🐦‍🔥🔥🐣 I am like a phoenix that always rises from its own ashes.

I had lost 14 kg in body weight in about a year due to the emotional stress I was experiencing. I gained it back in less than a month.

I had communicated quite openly that I was going through a difficult time. As a man, however, you don't need to hope for any kind of emotional support.

That's also a good thing: You can't get comfortable in the role of victim.

On the one hand, it is claimed and expected that men should open up emotionally and learn to talk about difficulties. At the same time, it is proven time and again that as soon as men do this, they are ignored and dismissed as weak.

What a spectacle! 😉

One reason why many men plunge into self-destruction (alcohol, drugs, etc.) or use violence to "take control". I didn't do that. I dealt with it artistically, I informed myself, communicated and sought exchange. And then I made decisions and rebuilt myself.

I have proven that I am strong. But I have also proven what is unhealthy! Namely the "social" way we interact with one another.

One day I openly expressed my frustration in the stories because the behavior here hurt me. I even apologized for the reaction our toxic dynamic caused in me. Many people thought that was great.

It is interesting that an apology for an understandable reaction - without wanting to justify it - was met with so much approval, but almost nobody was interested in the causes. 😉

By doing so, people are signaling that they only want to see positive things from me, that vulnerability only applies if it affects them personally or promises some benefit. That the social idea in social networks has nothing to do with social responsibility and exchange, but actually only serves as a means of self-presentation and entertainment.

As soon as I present myself as strong here in a superficial way and visibly high interaction rates give people an indication of what they can and cannot like, everyone runs after me like drooling chickens.

Anyone who has even a basic understanding of who I am will also understand that this won't work with me.

Topic: ➟ Selfies

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Post #917:

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Picture in Oberursel

I have a white background. I am a white man of German descent in Germany. I am discriminated against. But not because I am white or a man, but despite being a white man. I am able to differentiate. If white men in Germany or other Western countries experience structural discrimination, then this is for individual reasons other than skin color or gender. Then it is due to reasons such as poverty, age, physical or psychological characteristics, possibly religion or other characteristics. But not because you are a white man. For being a white man, you cannot be discriminated against in Western countries because white men are structurally and systematically extremely favored.

The abolition of diversity programs also harms white men like me. Because it means that the facts underlying the discrimination are taken even less into account. Poverty-related injustices (homeless mother during my youth), structural disadvantages of neurodiversity (ADHD), stigma (experience of trauma, depression) - all of these are things that diversity programs and outreach are designed to counteract. And this is being abolished because many people are unable to deal with the true circumstances, are possibly blind to their own problems and then perceive the simplest answer as correct by starting to believe that they are being discriminated against because of their light skin color.

In 2020, white males held approximately 85.8% of CEO positions in Fortune 500 companies. Including white women, the total percentage of white CEOs was about 92.6%. If we look at the USA, about 57 percent of the population there is white, but the government is 75 percent white. The world is still dominated by colonialist and imperialist power structures - which on top of that contributes to many people seeking refuge in Western nations. For example, because large European corporations exploit people in other countries and thereby perpetuate poverty with all its negative consequences, such as criminal power structures and acts of war.

Topic: ➟ Selfies

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Post #916:

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Picture in Bommersheim

Oops? Here I am, completely unexpected and unannounced! Because something is really bothering me right now! And I believe that it has its origins in the new right and anti-wokeness movement!

What's all this talk about frontal lobes lately? People who talk nonsense supposedly don't have any, people who are supposedly enlightened have fully developed them? It's actually pretty disgusting to talk like that. I have a congenitally dysfunctional frontal lobe and am above average intelligent.

I have come across this rhetoric far (!) too often lately! The fact is, intelligence, brain structure, or cognitive abilities have zero bearing on a person's worth or dignity!

It’s disgusting and deeply problematic to talk about intelligence or human worth in a way that dismisses or devalues people based on neurological differences!

The kind of language that reduces a person's value to their perceived intelligence, brain function, or "fitness" is disturbingly reminiscent of eugenic ideologies, including those promoted by the Nazis.

They notoriously propagated harmful ideas about "biological superiority" and used pseudoscience to justify dehumanizing entire groups of people based on traits like disability, neurodivergence, or perceived "deficiencies".

When people casually throw around terms about "fully developed frontal lobes" or use neuroscience as a way to belittle others, it can unintentionally echo those dangerous attitudes. It may not always be intentional, but it still reinforces the idea that some people are "better" or more "valuable" than others based on traits that aren’t within anyone's control.

This is why it's so important to reject such rhetoric. These kinds of comparisons don’t just stigmatize - they dehumanize, and that has real-world consequences for how people with disabilities or neurodivergence are treated. Everyone deserves to be valued for who they are, not judged against some arbitrary or reductive standard of worth.

Please do not share or support such rhetoric!

By the way, anyone who thinks a little would realize that woke is just a collective term that everyone has a different idea of!

Topic: ➟ Selfies

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Post #914:

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Picture in Oberursel

Authentic people are generally cautious about making absolute statements. This may make them appear incompetent and insecure in the eyes of some people, but authentic people are happy to accept this - because they prefer to stand by their doubts and caution rather than pretend to be confident. Those who live in harmony with themselves allow themselves to change and develop, sometimes even drastically. Authentic people do not hold on to their values ​​and beliefs out of principle, but because they seem right to them. But new experiences and knowledge can change their perspective at any time.

My next post will be my last for a while. Until then, I'll be devoting myself to another project and a new professional orientation (artificial intelligence). I've been working very intensively on the megagroundsloth project for 6 years now. Over 900 posts and a million characters of program code for my associated website. I've reached an average of 20,000 people a month, but recently everything here seems to have rotted a bit. I'll leave you to compost peacefully for a while, if the world allows it. My next post will give you a taste of what I've been working on conceptually since April and am now putting into practice. I have to be honest and say that I've noticed certain changes in our interaction that I can't really understand. But I'm not going to deal with that. Since my next post is just a poem, an artistic farewell note, I'll say goodbye here with an invisible tear tickling my cheek.

Topic: ➟ Selfies

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Post #913:

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Picture in Into The Woods

🐯🔥 I have a "spotted coat" made up of light blonde, dark blonde, red, white, and gray hairs. This variety of colors reminds me of the patterns seen in animals like lynxes or tigers, where irregular colors serve the purpose of camouflage.

🦣 In prehistoric times, my multicolored hair structure could have served a similar function. The light and dark strands would have mimicked the interplay of light and shadow in the environment. Light hair, such as my blonde or white strands, would reflect the light filtering through the treetops, while darker hairs would have imitated the shadows of the vegetation. This irregular pattern would have helped me blend into the shaded surroundings of forests or open landscapes, making me less visible—similar to animals whose fur patterns merge with their environment.

🐅 In addition to camouflage, the striking hair color could have also played a social role, such as in group identification or mate selection. My "spotted coat" could therefore have been not only an aesthetic feature but also a remnant of a functional adaptation to nature.

🧬 Genetically, the variety in hair colors can be explained by complex inheritance patterns. Hair color is influenced by several genes, with the MC1R gene being the most important for red hair. This gene regulates whether the hair predominantly produces the red pigment pheomelanin or the brown/black pigment eumelanin. Variations in this gene lead to different hair colors, from red to darker or blonde shades. Other genes, such as the ASIP gene, influence the intensity and tone of hair color, particularly the production of dark hair.

🏔🏞 The genetic diversity in hair color could also be an adaptation to climatic conditions or habitats. In northern regions, where there is less sunlight, gene variants may have favored lighter hair colors to absorb more UV light and promote vitamin D production.

Topic: ➟ Selfies

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Post #908:

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Picture in Bommersheim

Sloths are known for their extreme slowness and calmness, while ADHD is associated with hyperactivity, restlessness and impulsivity. The idea that an animal notorious for its laid-back lifestyle is suddenly agitated or overactive creates a comical discrepancy. I enjoy living out opposites and being unique. You could say I'm possibly the fastest sloth in town. In fact, I have the ADHD mixed type.

ADHD can be broken down as follows:

🦦 1. Predominantly Inattentive Type:

Often still referred to as ADD (though this is an outdated term).

Symptoms include difficulty sustaining attention, forgetfulness, and being easily distracted, often without hyperactive or impulsive behavior.

🐒 2. Predominantly Hyperactive-Impulsive Type:

Marked by excessive energy, restlessness, impulsivity, and difficulty sitting still or staying quiet.

🦥 3. Combined Type (Mixed ADHD):

This includes significant symptoms of both inattention and hyperactivity-impulsivity.

🎨 ADHD Combined Type means a person can experience both patterns simultaneously or in cycles. For instance:

👾 One moment, you might feel a burst of energy that makes you restless and impulsive. The next, you could find yourself daydreaming or struggling to follow through on tasks due to lack of focus.

👾 You may start a task with high energy but then lose track of details or find it hard to finish because your attention shifts elsewhere.

⭐️ Hyperactivity might mean you're full of energy and enthusiasm, helping you tackle challenges with gusto (even if it's sometimes hard to sit still).

⭐️ Inattention might look like zoning out, but it can also mean you're incredibly creative, with a mind that makes unexpected and original connections.

⭐️ Impulsivity might cause struggles with planning, but it can also make you adventurous and spontaneous, willing to dive into new experiences.

Topics: ➟ Neurodiversity ➟ Selfies

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