Post #642:

Madagascar hissing cockroach (Gromphadorhina portentosa)
I used to keep this species as a pet for many years.
They reach a size of about 5 to 8 cm and live up to 5 years. They don't have wings, but they can easily scale smooth glass.
The offspring looks cute. They are so-called nymphs, so they already look very similar to the adults. Only in tiny.
The tiny ones were always great escape artists. Again and again I collected the little adventurers and freed them from fluff.
The adults live in groups and communicate by hissing noises.
There are three different hissing sounds. Both sexes can do the disturbance hiss "F*ck off!".
Only males can make two more sounds: the female-attracting hiss and the aggressive fighting hiss. The males can be recognized by their horns and bushy antennae. There is one in the middle of the second picture.
The females have humps instead of horns.
Females carry their eggs (ootheca) internally, and release the young nymphs only after her offspring have emerged within her. After that, they usually stay close together for some time.
Topic: ➟ Insects
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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