Mata mata
Chelus fimbriata<<< species overview
Domain: | Eukaryota |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Chordata |
Class: | Reptilia |
Order: | Testudines |
Family: | Chelidae |
Genus: | Chelus |
Species: | fimbriata |
Name: | Mata mata |
No descriptionObservation data
Observation data updated daily from

The observations are "research-grade" and must therefore meet the following criteria:
- At least two independent users must confirm the observation.
- No additional users must reject the observation.
- The observation must not be marked as "unidentifiable."
- The observation must have georeferenced coordinates.
- The date and time of the observation must be correct.
Observations by distribution and threat status
Total number of observations: 62
Bar graph:
native 98.39%, endemic 0%, introduced 0%, threatened 0%
Observation (ID 41728526):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Orellana, EC
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -10:00 Pacific/Honolulu)
by manuelmejia
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Orellana, EC
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -10:00 Pacific/Honolulu)
by manuelmejia
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 8089404):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) wcs_peru, some rights reserved (CC BY-ND))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Loreto, Perú
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by wcs_peru
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) wcs_peru, some rights reserved (CC BY-ND))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Loreto, Perú
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by wcs_peru
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 36913288):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Porto Velho - RO, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by rafaelbernhard
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Porto Velho - RO, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by rafaelbernhard
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 242717585):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Triângulo, Porto Velho - RO, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Porto_Velho)
by sassatupinamba
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Triângulo, Porto Velho - RO, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Porto_Velho)
by sassatupinamba
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 25241492):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Rogério Gribel, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Cerejeiras - State of Rondônia, Brazil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Caracas)
by rogerio-gribel
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Rogério Gribel, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Cerejeiras - State of Rondônia, Brazil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Caracas)
by rogerio-gribel
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 147346866):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Amazonas, BR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Eirunepe)
by prakrit
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Amazonas, BR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Eirunepe)
by prakrit
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 231700848):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Diego Naranjo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 25th July 2024 at 4:03 PM
in Orellana, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by diego_naranjo
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Diego Naranjo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 25th July 2024 at 4:03 PM
in Orellana, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by diego_naranjo
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 235888582):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) zarathustra_1107, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 30th June 2024 at 1:44 PM
in 臺灣島, 南屯區, TXG, TW
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +08:00 Asia/Taipei)
by zarathustra_1107
more details at

(Picture:, (c) zarathustra_1107, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 30th June 2024 at 1:44 PM
in 臺灣島, 南屯區, TXG, TW
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +08:00 Asia/Taipei)
by zarathustra_1107
Observation (ID 226286643):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) vladmgr, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 27th June 2024 at 12:01 PM
in Leticia, Leticia, Amazonas, CO
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by vladmgr
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) vladmgr, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 27th June 2024 at 12:01 PM
in Leticia, Leticia, Amazonas, CO
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by vladmgr
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 207198179):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Wednesday, 10th April 2024 at 9:58 AM
in C7QM+V5, Cruzeiro do Sul - AC, 69895-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Rio_Branco)
by roberto_slns
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Wednesday, 10th April 2024 at 9:58 AM
in C7QM+V5, Cruzeiro do Sul - AC, 69895-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Rio_Branco)
by roberto_slns
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 200132743):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Kim Brown, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 11th February 2024 at 11:24 AM
in 16210, Peru
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by kim323
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Kim Brown, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 11th February 2024 at 11:24 AM
in 16210, Peru
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by kim323
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 201249601):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) JD Kleopfer, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 10th February 2024 at 9:07 AM
in Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by jkleopfer
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) JD Kleopfer, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 10th February 2024 at 9:07 AM
in Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by jkleopfer
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 199119823):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Wildlife Tours Peru, Christoph Meyer, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 9th February 2024 at 2:04 PM
in Maynas, PE-LO, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by wildlifetoursperu
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Wildlife Tours Peru, Christoph Meyer, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 9th February 2024 at 2:04 PM
in Maynas, PE-LO, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by wildlifetoursperu
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 193884254):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Johnathan Willis, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 11th December 2023 at 5:07 PM
in Caserio Las Palmeras Fundo Naranjal, 16200, Peru
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by johnny_w
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Johnathan Willis, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 11th December 2023 at 5:07 PM
in Caserio Las Palmeras Fundo Naranjal, 16200, Peru
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by johnny_w
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 189427536):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) lucderk, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 29th October 2023 at 4:03 PM
in Puerto Nariño, CO-AM, CO
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by lucderk
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) lucderk, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 29th October 2023 at 4:03 PM
in Puerto Nariño, CO-AM, CO
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by lucderk
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 150850509):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 10th March 2023 at 10:46 AM
in Mocoa, Mocoa, Putumayo, CO
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by jose_luis206
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 10th March 2023 at 10:46 AM
in Mocoa, Mocoa, Putumayo, CO
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by jose_luis206
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 147737693):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) guidogrefa, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Wednesday, 25th January 2023 at 6:44 AM
in Napo Wildlife Center Ecolodge
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by guidogrefa
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) guidogrefa, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Wednesday, 25th January 2023 at 6:44 AM
in Napo Wildlife Center Ecolodge
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by guidogrefa
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 146483559):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Diego Naranjo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 13th January 2023 at 9:20 AM
in Orellana, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by diego_naranjo
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Diego Naranjo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 13th January 2023 at 9:20 AM
in Orellana, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by diego_naranjo
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 136094210):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 22nd September 2022 at 9:45 AM
in Centro Amazônico de Herpetologia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Belem)
by angelocosta
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 22nd September 2022 at 9:45 AM
in Centro Amazônico de Herpetologia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Belem)
by angelocosta
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 119668325):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Tuesday, 31st May 2022 at 8:25 PM
in Iranduba, AM, 69405-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Manaus)
by jehamagay
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Tuesday, 31st May 2022 at 8:25 PM
in Iranduba, AM, 69405-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Manaus)
by jehamagay
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 116754116):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Justin Walker, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 12th May 2022 at 4:55 PM
in Puerto Nariño, CO-AM, CO
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by birdpackingadventures
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Justin Walker, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 12th May 2022 at 4:55 PM
in Puerto Nariño, CO-AM, CO
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by birdpackingadventures
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 113210278):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 17th April 2022 at 9:21 AM
in Limoncocha, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by naturesebas
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 17th April 2022 at 9:21 AM
in Limoncocha, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by naturesebas
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 111116836):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) diuliane_marinhog, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 1st April 2022 at 2:11 PM
in Oriximiná - PA, 68270-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by diuliane_marinhog
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) diuliane_marinhog, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 1st April 2022 at 2:11 PM
in Oriximiná - PA, 68270-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by diuliane_marinhog
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 111389596):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 28th February 2022 at 1:44 AM
in Maynas, PE-LO, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by talibzuo
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 28th February 2022 at 1:44 AM
in Maynas, PE-LO, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by talibzuo
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 119688240):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Daniel Bocanumenth E., some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 12th February 2022 at 8:40 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by dbocanumenthe
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Daniel Bocanumenth E., some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 12th February 2022 at 8:40 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by dbocanumenthe
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 107146766):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Johana Perez Mira, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 12th February 2022 at 5:16 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by joha78
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Johana Perez Mira, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 12th February 2022 at 5:16 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by joha78
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 105093652):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Arthur Gomes, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 13th January 2022 at 4:00 PM
in Unnamed Road, Novo Airão - AM, 69730-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by arthurmgomes
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Arthur Gomes, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 13th January 2022 at 4:00 PM
in Unnamed Road, Novo Airão - AM, 69730-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by arthurmgomes
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 95459948):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 19th September 2021 at 4:39 PM
in Tocantins, BR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by fabiogamba
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 19th September 2021 at 4:39 PM
in Tocantins, BR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by fabiogamba
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 86999240):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) tamia, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 10th July 2021 at 11:20 AM
in Arajuno, Puyo, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by tamiacalapucha
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) tamia, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 10th July 2021 at 11:20 AM
in Arajuno, Puyo, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by tamiacalapucha
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 224806687):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 4th January 2020 at 10:30 AM
in HPFH+WG4 Santuario Nacional Los Manglares de Tumbes, Perú
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by alecr25
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 4th January 2020 at 10:30 AM
in HPFH+WG4 Santuario Nacional Los Manglares de Tumbes, Perú
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by alecr25
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 38322483):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 20th December 2019 at 1:27 PM
in Amazonas, BR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by dariojosealarconnaforo
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 20th December 2019 at 1:27 PM
in Amazonas, BR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by dariojosealarconnaforo
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 32569648):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 30th August 2019 at 12:16 PM
in Pastaza, Pastaza, EC
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by elizabethswanson
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 30th August 2019 at 12:16 PM
in Pastaza, Pastaza, EC
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by elizabethswanson
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 29829208):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Cord Eversole, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 1st July 2019 at 9:48 AM
in Yacuma, Bolivia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -06:00 America/Chicago)
by cbeversole
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Cord Eversole, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 1st July 2019 at 9:48 AM
in Yacuma, Bolivia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -06:00 America/Chicago)
by cbeversole
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 260435295):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) KENNEDY BORGES, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Tuesday, 30th April 2019 at 3:44 PM
in Aruanã - GO, 76710-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by kennedy-borges-road
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) KENNEDY BORGES, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Tuesday, 30th April 2019 at 3:44 PM
in Aruanã - GO, 76710-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by kennedy-borges-road
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 92300287):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 29th April 2019 at 3:58 PM
in Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by whitezelda
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 29th April 2019 at 3:58 PM
in Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by whitezelda
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 20555981):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) miguelaporta, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 22nd February 2019 at 11:54 AM
in ChiroIsla
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +13:00 Pacific/Apia)
by miguelaporta
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) miguelaporta, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 22nd February 2019 at 11:54 AM
in ChiroIsla
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +13:00 Pacific/Apia)
by miguelaporta
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 15366528):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Tom Turner, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 2nd August 2018 at 5:27 PM
in Sucumbíos Province, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -08:00 America/Los_Angeles)
by tomleeturner
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Tom Turner, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 2nd August 2018 at 5:27 PM
in Sucumbíos Province, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -08:00 America/Los_Angeles)
by tomleeturner
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 9994651):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 19th January 2018 at 8:38 AM
in Pacaya-samiria National Reserve, , Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by scott_phares
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 19th January 2018 at 8:38 AM
in Pacaya-samiria National Reserve, , Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by scott_phares
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 140830163):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) scottjg, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 4th December 2017 at 11:22 AM
in Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by gail89411
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) scottjg, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 4th December 2017 at 11:22 AM
in Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by gail89411
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 9644111):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 25th November 2017 at 11:03 AM
in Pacaya-samiria National Reserve, , Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by kzybko
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 25th November 2017 at 11:03 AM
in Pacaya-samiria National Reserve, , Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by kzybko
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 7965212):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 29th July 2017 at 9:02 PM
in Loreto, , Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -06:00 America/Chicago)
by hannahcotten
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 29th July 2017 at 9:02 PM
in Loreto, , Loreto, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -06:00 America/Chicago)
by hannahcotten
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 60322849):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 9th July 2017 at 9:26 AM
in Pium - State of Tocantins, 77570-000, Brazil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by renataemin
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 9th July 2017 at 9:26 AM
in Pium - State of Tocantins, 77570-000, Brazil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by renataemin
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 57218611):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Paulo Henrique Bonavigo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 19th January 2017 at 4:34 PM
in Guajará-Mirim - RO, 76850-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Halifax)
by phbonavigo
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Paulo Henrique Bonavigo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 19th January 2017 at 4:34 PM
in Guajará-Mirim - RO, 76850-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Halifax)
by phbonavigo
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 223643243):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) viv135, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 12th August 2016 at 9:30 AM
in Ucayali, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by viv135
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) viv135, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 12th August 2016 at 9:30 AM
in Ucayali, PE
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by viv135
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 207417858):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) andraescholz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 12th December 2015 at 11:45 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by andraescholz
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) andraescholz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 12th December 2015 at 11:45 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by andraescholz
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 75759021):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) canadianorway, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND))
Chelus fimbriata
on Tuesday, 10th November 2015 at 3:42 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +01:00 Europe/Stockholm)
by canadianorway
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) canadianorway, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND))
Chelus fimbriata
on Tuesday, 10th November 2015 at 3:42 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +01:00 Europe/Stockholm)
by canadianorway
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 76838637):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 28th September 2014 at 6:22 AM
in Francisco de Orellana, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +10:00 Australia/Melbourne)
by johnlenagan
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 28th September 2014 at 6:22 AM
in Francisco de Orellana, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +10:00 Australia/Melbourne)
by johnlenagan
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 189669189):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) boverser, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 24th March 2014 at 10:45 AM
in Shushufindi, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by boverser
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) boverser, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 24th March 2014 at 10:45 AM
in Shushufindi, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by boverser
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 189221383):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) hr_dragonfly, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 20th March 2014 at 3:52 PM
in Shushufindi, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by hr_dragonfly
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) hr_dragonfly, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Thursday, 20th March 2014 at 3:52 PM
in Shushufindi, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by hr_dragonfly
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 125914984):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Tulio Dornas, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 18th November 2013 at 9:09 AM
in Pau D'Arco - TO, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Araguaina)
by tuliodornas
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Tulio Dornas, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 18th November 2013 at 9:09 AM
in Pau D'Arco - TO, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Araguaina)
by tuliodornas
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 125914983):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Tulio Dornas, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 18th November 2013 at 9:08 AM
in Pau D'Arco - TO, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Araguaina)
by tuliodornas
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Tulio Dornas, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 18th November 2013 at 9:08 AM
in Pau D'Arco - TO, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Araguaina)
by tuliodornas
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 92793386):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Marco Aurelio de Sena, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Tuesday, 7th February 2012 at 1:56 PM
in Porto Velho - RO, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by marco_sena
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Marco Aurelio de Sena, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Tuesday, 7th February 2012 at 1:56 PM
in Porto Velho - RO, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by marco_sena
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 214378173):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Vincent Rufray, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 9th December 2011 at 4:55 PM
in Roura 97352, Guyane française
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Cayenne)
by vrufray
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Vincent Rufray, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 9th December 2011 at 4:55 PM
in Roura 97352, Guyane française
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Cayenne)
by vrufray
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 71664174):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Neil Rosser, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 5th August 2011 at 2:28 PM
in Loreto Province, Peru
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by neil_mass
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Neil Rosser, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 5th August 2011 at 2:28 PM
in Loreto Province, Peru
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by neil_mass
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 112901521):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 25th July 2009 at 4:31 PM
in Dureno, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by lamador
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 25th July 2009 at 4:31 PM
in Dureno, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by lamador
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 121178138):
more details at

(Picture:, no rights reserved)
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 5th April 2009 at 8:47 AM
in Carauari - AM, 69500-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Manaus)
by w_endo
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, no rights reserved)
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 5th April 2009 at 8:47 AM
in Carauari - AM, 69500-000, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Manaus)
by w_endo
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 45315683):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Mario Humberto Yánez-Muñoz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 8th October 2007 at 10:45 AM
in Zona de Reserva Güepi
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by mario_yanez_munoz
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Mario Humberto Yánez-Muñoz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 8th October 2007 at 10:45 AM
in Zona de Reserva Güepi
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by mario_yanez_munoz
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 83978681):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Patrick Delhalt, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 21st July 2006 at 9:41 AM
in Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +01:00 Europe/Berlin)
by patrick_d
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Patrick Delhalt, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Chelus fimbriata
on Friday, 21st July 2006 at 9:41 AM
in Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +01:00 Europe/Berlin)
by patrick_d
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 105593009):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Galo Zapata Ríos, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 14th January 2006 at 9:04 AM
in Aguarico, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by galozapatarios
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Galo Zapata Ríos, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Saturday, 14th January 2006 at 9:04 AM
in Aguarico, Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by galozapatarios
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 206664686):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) christian marty, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 14th November 2004 at 4:50 PM
in Matoury 97351, Guyane française
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Cayenne)
by christianmarty
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) christian marty, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Sunday, 14th November 2004 at 4:50 PM
in Matoury 97351, Guyane française
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Cayenne)
by christianmarty
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 43377847):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Andrés León-Reyes, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Tuesday, 4th November 2003 at 1:38 PM
in Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by aeleon
This species is native to this region.
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Andrés León-Reyes, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Chelus fimbriata
on Tuesday, 4th November 2003 at 1:38 PM
in Ecuador
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by aeleon
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 16365466):
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 9th July 2001 at 1:46 PM
in ACEER, Loreto, Peru
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by jwm57
This species is native to this region.
more details at
Chelus fimbriata
on Monday, 9th July 2001 at 1:46 PM
in ACEER, Loreto, Peru
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by jwm57
This species is native to this region.