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Mata mata

Chelus fimbriata

<<< species overview

Picture of mata mata (Chelus fimbriata)


Zoological classification

Name:Mata mata


No description

Observation data

Observation data updated daily from

The observations are "research-grade" and must therefore meet the following criteria:

  1. At least two independent users must confirm the observation.
  2. No additional users must reject the observation.
  3. The observation must not be marked as "unidentifiable."
  4. The observation must have georeferenced coordinates.
  5. The date and time of the observation must be correct.

Observations by distribution and threat status

Total number of observations: 62





Bar graph:
native 98.39%, endemic 0%, introduced 0%, threatened 0%

Observation (ID 41728526):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Orellana, EC

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -10:00 Pacific/Honolulu)
by manuelmejia

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 8089404):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) wcs_peru, some rights reserved (CC BY-ND))

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Loreto, Perú

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by wcs_peru

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 36913288):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Porto Velho - RO, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by rafaelbernhard

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 242717585):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Triângulo, Porto Velho - RO, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Porto_Velho)
by sassatupinamba

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 25241492):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Rogério Gribel, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND))

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Cerejeiras - State of Rondônia, Brazil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Caracas)
by rogerio-gribel

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 147346866):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 2:28 PM
in Amazonas, BR

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Eirunepe)
by prakrit

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 231700848):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Diego Naranjo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Thursday, 25th July 2024 at 4:03 PM
in Orellana, Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by diego_naranjo

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 235888582):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) zarathustra_1107, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Sunday, 30th June 2024 at 1:44 PM
in 臺灣島, 南屯區, TXG, TW

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +08:00 Asia/Taipei)
by zarathustra_1107

Observation (ID 226286643):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) vladmgr, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Thursday, 27th June 2024 at 12:01 PM
in Leticia, Leticia, Amazonas, CO

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by vladmgr

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 207198179):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Wednesday, 10th April 2024 at 9:58 AM
in C7QM+V5, Cruzeiro do Sul - AC, 69895-000, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Rio_Branco)
by roberto_slns

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 200132743):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Kim Brown, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Sunday, 11th February 2024 at 11:24 AM
in 16210, Peru

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by kim323

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 201249601):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) JD Kleopfer, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Saturday, 10th February 2024 at 9:07 AM
in Loreto, PE

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by jkleopfer

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 199119823):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Wildlife Tours Peru, Christoph Meyer, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 9th February 2024 at 2:04 PM
in Maynas, PE-LO, PE

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by wildlifetoursperu

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 193884254):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Johnathan Willis, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 11th December 2023 at 5:07 PM
in Caserio Las Palmeras Fundo Naranjal, 16200, Peru

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by johnny_w

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 189427536):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) lucderk, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Sunday, 29th October 2023 at 4:03 PM
in Puerto Nariño, CO-AM, CO

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by lucderk

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 150850509):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 10th March 2023 at 10:46 AM
in Mocoa, Mocoa, Putumayo, CO

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by jose_luis206

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 147737693):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) guidogrefa, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Wednesday, 25th January 2023 at 6:44 AM
in Napo Wildlife Center Ecolodge

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by guidogrefa

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 146483559):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Diego Naranjo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 13th January 2023 at 9:20 AM
in Orellana, Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by diego_naranjo

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 136094210):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Thursday, 22nd September 2022 at 9:45 AM
in Centro Amazônico de Herpetologia

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Belem)
by angelocosta

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 119668325):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Tuesday, 31st May 2022 at 8:25 PM
in Iranduba, AM, 69405-000, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Manaus)
by jehamagay

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 116754116):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Justin Walker, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Thursday, 12th May 2022 at 4:55 PM
in Puerto Nariño, CO-AM, CO

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by birdpackingadventures

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 113210278):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Sunday, 17th April 2022 at 9:21 AM
in Limoncocha, Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by naturesebas

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 111116836):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) diuliane_marinhog, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 1st April 2022 at 2:11 PM
in Oriximiná - PA, 68270-000, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by diuliane_marinhog

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 111389596):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 28th February 2022 at 1:44 AM
in Maynas, PE-LO, PE

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by talibzuo

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 119688240):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Daniel Bocanumenth E., some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA))

Chelus fimbriata

on Saturday, 12th February 2022 at 8:40 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by dbocanumenthe

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 107146766):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Johana Perez Mira, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Saturday, 12th February 2022 at 5:16 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by joha78

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 105093652):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Arthur Gomes, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA))

Chelus fimbriata

on Thursday, 13th January 2022 at 4:00 PM
in Unnamed Road, Novo Airão - AM, 69730-000, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by arthurmgomes

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 95459948):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Sunday, 19th September 2021 at 4:39 PM
in Tocantins, BR

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by fabiogamba

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 86999240):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) tamia, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Saturday, 10th July 2021 at 11:20 AM
in Arajuno, Puyo, Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by tamiacalapucha

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 224806687):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Saturday, 4th January 2020 at 10:30 AM
in HPFH+WG4 Santuario Nacional Los Manglares de Tumbes, Perú

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by alecr25

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 38322483):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 20th December 2019 at 1:27 PM
in Amazonas, BR

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by dariojosealarconnaforo

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 32569648):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 30th August 2019 at 12:16 PM
in Pastaza, Pastaza, EC

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by elizabethswanson

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 29829208):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Cord Eversole, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 1st July 2019 at 9:48 AM
in Yacuma, Bolivia

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -06:00 America/Chicago)
by cbeversole

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 260435295):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) KENNEDY BORGES, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Tuesday, 30th April 2019 at 3:44 PM
in Aruanã - GO, 76710-000, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by kennedy-borges-road

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 92300287):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 29th April 2019 at 3:58 PM
in Loreto, PE

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by whitezelda

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 20555981):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) miguelaporta, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 22nd February 2019 at 11:54 AM
in ChiroIsla

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +13:00 Pacific/Apia)
by miguelaporta

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 15366528):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Tom Turner, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Thursday, 2nd August 2018 at 5:27 PM
in Sucumbíos Province, Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -08:00 America/Los_Angeles)
by tomleeturner

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 9994651):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 19th January 2018 at 8:38 AM
in Pacaya-samiria National Reserve, , Loreto, PE

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by scott_phares

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 140830163):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) scottjg, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 4th December 2017 at 11:22 AM
in Loreto, PE

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by gail89411

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 9644111):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Saturday, 25th November 2017 at 11:03 AM
in Pacaya-samiria National Reserve, , Loreto, PE

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by kzybko

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 7965212):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Saturday, 29th July 2017 at 9:02 PM
in Loreto, , Loreto, PE

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -06:00 America/Chicago)
by hannahcotten

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 60322849):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Sunday, 9th July 2017 at 9:26 AM
in Pium - State of Tocantins, 77570-000, Brazil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by renataemin

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 57218611):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Paulo Henrique Bonavigo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Thursday, 19th January 2017 at 4:34 PM
in Guajará-Mirim - RO, 76850-000, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Halifax)
by phbonavigo

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 223643243):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) viv135, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 12th August 2016 at 9:30 AM
in Ucayali, PE

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by viv135

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 207417858):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) andraescholz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Saturday, 12th December 2015 at 11:45 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Bogota)
by andraescholz

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 75759021):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) canadianorway, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND))

Chelus fimbriata

on Tuesday, 10th November 2015 at 3:42 PM
in Leticia, Amazonas, Colombia

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +01:00 Europe/Stockholm)
by canadianorway

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 76838637):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Sunday, 28th September 2014 at 6:22 AM
in Francisco de Orellana, Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +10:00 Australia/Melbourne)
by johnlenagan

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 189669189):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) boverser, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 24th March 2014 at 10:45 AM
in Shushufindi, Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by boverser

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 189221383):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) hr_dragonfly, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Thursday, 20th March 2014 at 3:52 PM
in Shushufindi, Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by hr_dragonfly

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 125914984):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Tulio Dornas, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 18th November 2013 at 9:09 AM
in Pau D'Arco - TO, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Araguaina)
by tuliodornas

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 125914983):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Tulio Dornas, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 18th November 2013 at 9:08 AM
in Pau D'Arco - TO, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Araguaina)
by tuliodornas

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 92793386):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Marco Aurelio de Sena, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Tuesday, 7th February 2012 at 1:56 PM
in Porto Velho - RO, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by marco_sena

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 214378173):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Vincent Rufray, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 9th December 2011 at 4:55 PM
in Roura 97352, Guyane française

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Cayenne)
by vrufray

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 71664174):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Neil Rosser, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 5th August 2011 at 2:28 PM
in Loreto Province, Peru

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by neil_mass

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 112901521):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Saturday, 25th July 2009 at 4:31 PM
in Dureno, Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Guayaquil)
by lamador

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 121178138):
more details at

(Picture:, no rights reserved)

Chelus fimbriata

on Sunday, 5th April 2009 at 8:47 AM
in Carauari - AM, 69500-000, Brasil

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Manaus)
by w_endo

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 45315683):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Mario Humberto Yánez-Muñoz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 8th October 2007 at 10:45 AM
in Zona de Reserva Güepi

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by mario_yanez_munoz

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 83978681):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Patrick Delhalt, some rights reserved (CC BY))

Chelus fimbriata

on Friday, 21st July 2006 at 9:41 AM
in Reserva Nacional Pacaya Samiria

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +01:00 Europe/Berlin)
by patrick_d

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 105593009):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Galo Zapata Ríos, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Saturday, 14th January 2006 at 9:04 AM
in Aguarico, Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by galozapatarios

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 206664686):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) christian marty, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Sunday, 14th November 2004 at 4:50 PM
in Matoury 97351, Guyane française

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Cayenne)
by christianmarty

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 43377847):
more details at

(Picture:, (c) Andrés León-Reyes, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))

Chelus fimbriata

on Tuesday, 4th November 2003 at 1:38 PM
in Ecuador

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Lima)
by aeleon

This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 16365466):
more details at

Chelus fimbriata

on Monday, 9th July 2001 at 1:46 PM
in ACEER, Loreto, Peru

Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by jwm57

This species is native to this region.


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Note: The contents of this website have been researched to the best of my knowledge and belief, but they may contain errors or be oversimplified. The articles serve as inspiration and for the exchange of experiences and are intended to impart knowledge. Anyone who wants to seriously engage with my topics should also use other sources. Private or personal details may be adapted for the public audience and may not always be completely true.

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