Dubia roach
Blaptica dubia<<< species overview
Domain: | Eukaryota |
Kingdom: | Animalia |
Phylum: | Arthropoda |
Class: | Insecta |
Order: | Blattodea |
Family: | Blaberidae |
Genus: | Blaptica |
Species: | dubia |
Name: | Dubia roach |
The Dubia roach (Blaptica dubia) is an insect species native to Argentina and Uruguay. The Dubia roach prefers fruits and grains, avoiding (but still eating) high-protein sources such as meat or feces from other animals.Blaptica dubia is an ovoviviparous species that gives birth to live young at 48–64 days. It carries the ootheca (egg capsule) which contains around 20-35 eggs until they are ready to hatch, or may drop them sooner under stressful conditions. Adults live up to 2 years, females slightly longer than males. Growth and reproduction rates are sensitive to environmental conditions, optimally 25–30 °C and above 60% relative humidity.
This species is kept as a pet because it is fairly easy to care for. It multiplies very quickly and is often used as food for terrarium animals.
Reference: https://www.aucher.net/tiere/schaben/blaptica -dubia.html
https://arnoripa.wordpress.com /tag/argentine-wood-cockroach/
https://en.wikipedia.org /wiki/Blaptica_dubia
Observation data
Observation data updated daily from

The observations are "research-grade" and must therefore meet the following criteria:
- At least two independent users must confirm the observation.
- No additional users must reject the observation.
- The observation must not be marked as "unidentifiable."
- The observation must have georeferenced coordinates.
- The date and time of the observation must be correct.
Observations by distribution and threat status
Total number of observations: 115
Bar graph:
native 91.3%, endemic 0%, introduced 0%, threatened 0%
Observation (ID 67415974):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Leo Barragán, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 1:14 PM
in Candonga, Córdoba, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Santiago)
by leobarragan
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Leo Barragán, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 1:14 PM
in Candonga, Córdoba, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Santiago)
by leobarragan
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 35166902):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 1:14 PM
in Belén de Escobar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by aramiskeitel
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 1:14 PM
in Belén de Escobar, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by aramiskeitel
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 102124537):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Abril Bastons, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 1:14 PM
in Tandil, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by abrub
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Abril Bastons, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 17th February 2025 at 1:14 PM
in Tandil, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by abrub
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 260834664):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Federico Díaz Bentancor, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 6th February 2025 at 5:22 PM
in Larrañaga, 11600 Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by gorko
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Federico Díaz Bentancor, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 6th February 2025 at 5:22 PM
in Larrañaga, 11600 Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by gorko
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 260606430):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Diego Trillo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 2nd February 2025 at 11:10 AM
in Mar de Ajó, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by diego_t
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Diego Trillo, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 2nd February 2025 at 11:10 AM
in Mar de Ajó, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by diego_t
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 258492732):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) RAP, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 14th January 2025 at 11:52 AM
in Potrero de los Funes, San Luis, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/San_Luis)
by r-a-p
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) RAP, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 14th January 2025 at 11:52 AM
in Potrero de los Funes, San Luis, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/San_Luis)
by r-a-p
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 30507880):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Pablo Balduvino, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 10th January 2025 at 3:28 AM
in Bañados de Carrasco, 12100 Montevideo, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by pablobaldu
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Pablo Balduvino, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 10th January 2025 at 3:28 AM
in Bañados de Carrasco, 12100 Montevideo, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by pablobaldu
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 17880054):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 21st November 2024 at 8:14 AM
in Sierra de los Padres, Pcia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by lrubio7
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 21st November 2024 at 8:14 AM
in Sierra de los Padres, Pcia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by lrubio7
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 252449711):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Regina Silva, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 at 10:13 PM
in B7607, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by marreginas
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Regina Silva, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 at 10:13 PM
in B7607, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by marreginas
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 252449270):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Regina Silva, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 at 10:06 PM
in B7607, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by marreginas
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Regina Silva, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 at 10:06 PM
in B7607, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by marreginas
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 252433641):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Griselda Carreras, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 at 5:14 PM
in Buenos Aires, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by grise_car
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Griselda Carreras, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 20th November 2024 at 5:14 PM
in Buenos Aires, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by grise_car
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 248951042):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 18th October 2024 at 7:48 PM
in Punta Carretas, Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by rojas-runjaic
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 18th October 2024 at 7:48 PM
in Punta Carretas, Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by rojas-runjaic
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 248951043):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 18th October 2024 at 7:48 PM
in Punta Carretas, Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by rojas-runjaic
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 18th October 2024 at 7:48 PM
in Punta Carretas, Montevideo, Departamento de Montevideo, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by rojas-runjaic
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 247938438):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) melinacuello, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 28th September 2024 at 2:47 PM
in 80000 San José de Mayo, Departamento de San José, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by melinacuello
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) melinacuello, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 28th September 2024 at 2:47 PM
in 80000 San José de Mayo, Departamento de San José, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by melinacuello
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 1950737):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Donna Pomeroy, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 25th September 2024 at 11:42 AM
in El Granada, CA
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -08:00 America/Los_Angeles)
by dpom
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Donna Pomeroy, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 25th September 2024 at 11:42 AM
in El Granada, CA
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -08:00 America/Los_Angeles)
by dpom
Observation (ID 19463985):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Leonel Roget, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 24th August 2024 at 12:28 AM
in Isla Martín García, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by carancho
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Leonel Roget, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 24th August 2024 at 12:28 AM
in Isla Martín García, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by carancho
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 235529947):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Mirko Duimich, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 13th August 2024 at 11:03 AM
in General Pueyrredón, AR-BA, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mirkoduimich
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Mirko Duimich, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 13th August 2024 at 11:03 AM
in General Pueyrredón, AR-BA, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mirkoduimich
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 236062487):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 14th July 2024 at 10:55 AM
in Punta Indio, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by verdecernativo
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 14th July 2024 at 10:55 AM
in Punta Indio, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by verdecernativo
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 223763831):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) 红梅, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 19th June 2024 at 9:44 PM
in 中国北京市门头沟区
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +08:00 Asia/Shanghai)
by koubai
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) 红梅, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 19th June 2024 at 9:44 PM
in 中国北京市门头沟区
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +08:00 Asia/Shanghai)
by koubai
Observation (ID 223244805):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Iván Eroles, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 16th June 2024 at 11:53 AM
in El Palomar, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by el_druida
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Iván Eroles, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 16th June 2024 at 11:53 AM
in El Palomar, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by el_druida
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 221085973):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 6th June 2024 at 12:28 PM
in n.a339, UY-MA, UY
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by meliowy
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 6th June 2024 at 12:28 PM
in n.a339, UY-MA, UY
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by meliowy
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 219424884):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) jesuenrique, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 30th May 2024 at 4:46 PM
in Miguel Torres, Santa Fe, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Cordoba)
by jesuenrique
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) jesuenrique, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 30th May 2024 at 4:46 PM
in Miguel Torres, Santa Fe, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Cordoba)
by jesuenrique
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 209937215):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 26th April 2024 at 8:50 PM
in Reeves, LA 70658, USA
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -06:00 America/Chicago)
by audrey2k1
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 26th April 2024 at 8:50 PM
in Reeves, LA 70658, USA
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -06:00 America/Chicago)
by audrey2k1
Observation (ID 209193744):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Leyton Reid, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 24th April 2024 at 7:42 PM
in Placer County, US-CA, US
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -08:00 America/Los_Angeles)
by leytonjfreid
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Leyton Reid, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 24th April 2024 at 7:42 PM
in Placer County, US-CA, US
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -08:00 America/Los_Angeles)
by leytonjfreid
Observation (ID 206702684):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 9th April 2024 at 10:21 AM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 9th April 2024 at 10:21 AM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 204670670):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 28th March 2024 at 11:34 PM
in Tandil, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by patosur
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 28th March 2024 at 11:34 PM
in Tandil, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by patosur
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 199017362):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 11th February 2024 at 2:19 PM
in Las Toninas, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by g_negro
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 11th February 2024 at 2:19 PM
in Las Toninas, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by g_negro
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 198006608):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Santiago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 30th January 2024 at 7:14 PM
in Rojas, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by bonfire22
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Santiago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 30th January 2024 at 7:14 PM
in Rojas, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by bonfire22
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 197969113):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 28th January 2024 at 9:28 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 28th January 2024 at 9:28 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 197683243):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Nitsuga, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 27th January 2024 at 8:44 AM
in Navarro, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by chinoponja
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Nitsuga, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 27th January 2024 at 8:44 AM
in Navarro, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by chinoponja
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 205105507):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 4th January 2024 at 10:17 PM
in Maríe Curie 5600, B7605GCN Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 4th January 2024 at 10:17 PM
in Maríe Curie 5600, B7605GCN Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 195189122):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) eneas_p, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 29th December 2023 at 3:19 PM
in Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by eneas_p
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) eneas_p, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 29th December 2023 at 3:19 PM
in Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by eneas_p
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 193294769):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Nicolas Olejnik, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 2nd December 2023 at 9:38 PM
in Islas del Ibicuy Department, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Cordoba)
by nicoolejnik
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Nicolas Olejnik, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 2nd December 2023 at 9:38 PM
in Islas del Ibicuy Department, Entre Ríos Province, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Cordoba)
by nicoolejnik
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 192822728):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 2nd December 2023 at 10:10 AM
in Wimbledon Dr SW, Grandville, MI, US
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Detroit)
by caitlinanderson2
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 2nd December 2023 at 10:10 AM
in Wimbledon Dr SW, Grandville, MI, US
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/Detroit)
by caitlinanderson2
Observation (ID 192139554):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 25th November 2023 at 8:42 PM
in José Manuel Estrada 5595, Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 25th November 2023 at 8:42 PM
in José Manuel Estrada 5595, Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 191307089):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Luciano Peralta, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 14th November 2023 at 10:17 AM
in Gral Pueyrredón, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by luchoperalta
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Luciano Peralta, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 14th November 2023 at 10:17 AM
in Gral Pueyrredón, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by luchoperalta
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 190415487):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Santiago Mailhos, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 8th November 2023 at 10:25 AM
in Ruta 24 Guyunusa, San Javier, Río Negro, UY
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by santiagomailhos
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Santiago Mailhos, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 8th November 2023 at 10:25 AM
in Ruta 24 Guyunusa, San Javier, Río Negro, UY
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by santiagomailhos
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 190360388):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) pg3000, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 6th November 2023 at 8:18 PM
in Florida
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by pg3000
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) pg3000, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 6th November 2023 at 8:18 PM
in Florida
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -05:00 America/New_York)
by pg3000
Observation (ID 189652448):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Diego, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 1st November 2023 at 7:56 AM
in Ensenada, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by diego_v
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Diego, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 1st November 2023 at 7:56 AM
in Ensenada, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by diego_v
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 188596380):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Tomás Favier, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 22nd October 2023 at 8:41 PM
in Olavarría, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by tomi_favier
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Tomás Favier, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 22nd October 2023 at 8:41 PM
in Olavarría, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by tomi_favier
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 202264668):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) diazaragon, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 21st August 2023 at 3:25 PM
in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by diazaragon
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) diazaragon, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 21st August 2023 at 3:25 PM
in Avellaneda, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by diazaragon
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 172833026):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Dakota Parish, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 10th July 2023 at 4:07 PM
in Magee, MS, USA
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -06:00 America/Chicago)
by safron
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Dakota Parish, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 10th July 2023 at 4:07 PM
in Magee, MS, USA
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -06:00 America/Chicago)
by safron
Observation (ID 168210084):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Marian, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 13th June 2023 at 9:27 PM
in Isla Martín García
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mariana_mansinho
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Marian, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 13th June 2023 at 9:27 PM
in Isla Martín García
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mariana_mansinho
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 165600980):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 4th June 2023 at 2:06 PM
in Parque de Miramar, 15000 Ciudad de la Costa, Departamento de Canelones, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by mnadreani
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 4th June 2023 at 2:06 PM
in Parque de Miramar, 15000 Ciudad de la Costa, Departamento de Canelones, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by mnadreani
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 163463521):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 23rd May 2023 at 7:13 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 23rd May 2023 at 7:13 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 163463360):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 23rd May 2023 at 7:10 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 23rd May 2023 at 7:10 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 161586080):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 13th May 2023 at 9:01 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 13th May 2023 at 9:01 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 161499839):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) inzaenity, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 13th May 2023 at 11:51 AM
in General Pacheco, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by inzaenity
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) inzaenity, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 13th May 2023 at 11:51 AM
in General Pacheco, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by inzaenity
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 161500067):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) inzaenity, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 13th May 2023 at 11:47 AM
in Sebastián Elcano, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by inzaenity
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) inzaenity, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 13th May 2023 at 11:47 AM
in Sebastián Elcano, San Isidro, Buenos Aires, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by inzaenity
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 160988259):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) El Naturalista, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 10th May 2023 at 7:43 PM
in Bahía Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by el-naturalista
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) El Naturalista, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 10th May 2023 at 7:43 PM
in Bahía Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by el-naturalista
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 160588627):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 8th May 2023 at 1:54 PM
in Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mariano421
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 8th May 2023 at 1:54 PM
in Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mariano421
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 150746447):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 10th March 2023 at 2:43 PM
in San Bernardo, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by simplementecarla
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 10th March 2023 at 2:43 PM
in San Bernardo, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by simplementecarla
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 150367938):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 5th March 2023 at 10:09 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 5th March 2023 at 10:09 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 149264942):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Analía Belaus, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 20th February 2023 at 6:12 PM
in Río Ceballos
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Cordoba)
by analiabelaus
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Analía Belaus, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 20th February 2023 at 6:12 PM
in Río Ceballos
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Cordoba)
by analiabelaus
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 149237103):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Sebastián Lescano, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 20th February 2023 at 12:43 PM
in Cementerio de la Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by sebastianlescano
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Sebastián Lescano, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 20th February 2023 at 12:43 PM
in Cementerio de la Recoleta, Buenos Aires, Ciudad Autonoma de Buenos Aires, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by sebastianlescano
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 149096210):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Eric Cormier, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 9th February 2023 at 10:23 AM
in El Centinela, Tandil Partido, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by c_birds
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Eric Cormier, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 9th February 2023 at 10:23 AM
in El Centinela, Tandil Partido, Buenos Aires Province, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by c_birds
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 148419806):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 7th February 2023 at 8:32 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 7th February 2023 at 8:32 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 147206551):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) isabelmll, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 21st January 2023 at 5:36 PM
in Viña, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by isabelmll
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) isabelmll, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 21st January 2023 at 5:36 PM
in Viña, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by isabelmll
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 153222997):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Julieta López Wikman, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 15th January 2023 at 3:50 PM
in 6472+HX4, 15800 Departamento de Canelones, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by julieta_lu
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Julieta López Wikman, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 15th January 2023 at 3:50 PM
in 6472+HX4, 15800 Departamento de Canelones, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by julieta_lu
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 146124638):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Eugenia, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 8th January 2023 at 11:09 AM
in Chivilcoy, AR-BA, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mesequeiro
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Eugenia, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 8th January 2023 at 11:09 AM
in Chivilcoy, AR-BA, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mesequeiro
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 145757698):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 30th December 2022 at 7:18 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 30th December 2022 at 7:18 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 144703156):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Guillermo Menéndez, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 19th December 2022 at 4:49 PM
in Prado, Montevideo, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by gmmv80
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Guillermo Menéndez, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 19th December 2022 at 4:49 PM
in Prado, Montevideo, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by gmmv80
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 144582658):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Mirko Duimich, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 17th December 2022 at 10:43 PM
in Buenos Aires 3199, Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mirkoduimich
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Mirko Duimich, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 17th December 2022 at 10:43 PM
in Buenos Aires 3199, Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mirkoduimich
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 142969868):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 24th November 2022 at 8:30 PM
in 15900 Las Piedras, Departamento de Canelones, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by martinruiz93
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 24th November 2022 at 8:30 PM
in 15900 Las Piedras, Departamento de Canelones, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by martinruiz93
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 142596979):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) José Luis Barberán, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 17th November 2022 at 11:50 PM
in Córdoba, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Cordoba)
by jbar82
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) José Luis Barberán, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 17th November 2022 at 11:50 PM
in Córdoba, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Cordoba)
by jbar82
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 147290413):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Rafael Tosi, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 29th October 2022 at 1:28 PM
in Tacuarembó Department, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by rafatosi
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Rafael Tosi, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 29th October 2022 at 1:28 PM
in Tacuarembó Department, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by rafatosi
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 140321679):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Regina Silva, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 28th October 2022 at 10:33 PM
in Miramar, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by marreginas
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Regina Silva, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 28th October 2022 at 10:33 PM
in Miramar, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by marreginas
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 142104267):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 6th October 2022 at 10:23 AM
in Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by lautaro93
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 6th October 2022 at 10:23 AM
in Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by lautaro93
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 132205648):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 24th August 2022 at 3:27 PM
in Tandil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by balce
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 24th August 2022 at 3:27 PM
in Tandil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by balce
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 125042212):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 3rd July 2022 at 2:27 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 3rd July 2022 at 2:27 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 123796454):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 28th June 2022 at 2:35 AM
in Moisés Lebensohn, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by candelaarrua
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 28th June 2022 at 2:35 AM
in Moisés Lebensohn, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by candelaarrua
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 199009655):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 16th June 2022 at 2:11 PM
in Maríe Curie 5600, B7605GCN Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 16th June 2022 at 2:11 PM
in Maríe Curie 5600, B7605GCN Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 113223036):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 27th April 2022 at 11:13 AM
in San Clemente del Tuyu, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by charlie1956
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 27th April 2022 at 11:13 AM
in San Clemente del Tuyu, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by charlie1956
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 111686247):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, no rights reserved)
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 16th April 2022 at 4:29 PM
in Chapicuy, Departamento de Paysandú, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by sgomez-barboza
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, no rights reserved)
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 16th April 2022 at 4:29 PM
in Chapicuy, Departamento de Paysandú, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by sgomez-barboza
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 107391948):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Bert, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 24th February 2022 at 2:30 PM
in 27000 Rocha Department, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by bert_in_the_skirt
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Bert, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 24th February 2022 at 2:30 PM
in 27000 Rocha Department, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by bert_in_the_skirt
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 108348768):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) jorgeiriberri47, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 12th February 2022 at 2:12 AM
in Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by jorgeiriberri47
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) jorgeiriberri47, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 12th February 2022 at 2:12 AM
in Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by jorgeiriberri47
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 107210782):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) RAP, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 3rd February 2022 at 4:24 PM
in Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by r-a-p
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) RAP, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 3rd February 2022 at 4:24 PM
in Capilla del Monte, Córdoba, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by r-a-p
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 105517881):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) weba69, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 24th January 2022 at 5:59 PM
in Diagonal 4, Sección 17, Canelones Department, UY
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by weba69
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) weba69, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 24th January 2022 at 5:59 PM
in Diagonal 4, Sección 17, Canelones Department, UY
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by weba69
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 105256349):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 17th January 2022 at 1:23 PM
in B7630, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by ricardodm
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 17th January 2022 at 1:23 PM
in B7630, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by ricardodm
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 103368413):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) El Naturalista, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 20th December 2021 at 12:33 PM
in Bahía Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by el-naturalista
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) El Naturalista, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 20th December 2021 at 12:33 PM
in Bahía Blanca, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by el-naturalista
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 103324582):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Joaquin Valentinuzzi, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 19th December 2021 at 11:30 AM
in San Bernardo, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by yako
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Joaquin Valentinuzzi, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 19th December 2021 at 11:30 AM
in San Bernardo, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by yako
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 102298427):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Eugenia, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 1st December 2021 at 10:04 AM
in Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Santiago)
by mesequeiro
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Eugenia, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 1st December 2021 at 10:04 AM
in Chivilcoy, Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -04:00 America/Santiago)
by mesequeiro
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 104010843):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Rafael Tosi, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 19th November 2021 at 9:26 AM
in Tacuarembó Department, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by rafatosi
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Rafael Tosi, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Friday, 19th November 2021 at 9:26 AM
in Tacuarembó Department, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Montevideo)
by rafatosi
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 101875902):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) martingris, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 10th November 2021 at 2:24 PM
in Villa Elvira
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by martingris
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) martingris, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 10th November 2021 at 2:24 PM
in Villa Elvira
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by martingris
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 99800374):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Joel Hernandez, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 30th October 2021 at 12:03 PM
in Texas, US
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by jhernandez5
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Joel Hernandez, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 30th October 2021 at 12:03 PM
in Texas, US
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +00:00 Etc/UTC)
by jhernandez5
Observation (ID 99152053):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 20th October 2021 at 7:22 PM
in Mar del Plata
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by benjavouilloz
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 20th October 2021 at 7:22 PM
in Mar del Plata
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by benjavouilloz
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 98446285):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 16th October 2021 at 10:45 PM
in Almirante Brown, AR-BA, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by damian107
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 16th October 2021 at 10:45 PM
in Almirante Brown, AR-BA, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by damian107
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 92625685):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Juan Matías, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 25th August 2021 at 6:50 PM
in Fortín Olavarría, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -10:00 Pacific/Honolulu)
by juanmago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Juan Matías, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 25th August 2021 at 6:50 PM
in Fortín Olavarría, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -10:00 Pacific/Honolulu)
by juanmago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 85754771):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) lepus_timidus, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 5th July 2021 at 10:40 AM
in Boggs Holdings, Tranent, Scotland, GB
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +01:00 Europe/Amsterdam)
by lepus_timidus
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) lepus_timidus, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 5th July 2021 at 10:40 AM
in Boggs Holdings, Tranent, Scotland, GB
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +01:00 Europe/Amsterdam)
by lepus_timidus
Observation (ID 70755666):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 7th March 2021 at 3:34 PM
in Sierra de los Padres, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by mariano421
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 7th March 2021 at 3:34 PM
in Sierra de los Padres, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by mariano421
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 69306907):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Matias Cabezas, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 7th February 2021 at 9:31 AM
in Guillermo Hudson, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by matiascabezas
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Matias Cabezas, some rights reserved (CC BY))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 7th February 2021 at 9:31 AM
in Guillermo Hudson, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by matiascabezas
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 68404906):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) jfps, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 18th January 2021 at 4:39 AM
in Trujui, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by jfps
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) jfps, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Monday, 18th January 2021 at 4:39 AM
in Trujui, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by jfps
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 68111903):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Klaus Riede, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 14th January 2021 at 11:19 PM
in Barrio El Troncal, Parque del Plata, Departamento de Canelones, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +01:00 Europe/Paris)
by klaus16
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Klaus Riede, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 14th January 2021 at 11:19 PM
in Barrio El Troncal, Parque del Plata, Departamento de Canelones, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: +01:00 Europe/Paris)
by klaus16
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 69295662):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 13th January 2021 at 11:34 AM
in Vila Fernandes, São Paulo - SP, 03433-050, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by fepeco
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 13th January 2021 at 11:34 AM
in Vila Fernandes, São Paulo - SP, 03433-050, Brasil
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by fepeco
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 67631685):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 5th January 2021 at 4:44 PM
in Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by cesarazehn11
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Tuesday, 5th January 2021 at 4:44 PM
in Mar del Plata, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by cesarazehn11
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 62266049):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 1st October 2020 at 12:16 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Thursday, 1st October 2020 at 12:16 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 57696171):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 26th August 2020 at 10:16 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) María Carolina Lago, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 26th August 2020 at 10:16 PM
in María Curie 5600
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by mcarolinalago
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 58593256):
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Noelia Eileen Cuadrelli, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 16th August 2020 at 4:47 PM
in La Pampa, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by cuadrellin
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Noelia Eileen Cuadrelli, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC))
Blaptica dubia
on Sunday, 16th August 2020 at 4:47 PM
in La Pampa, AR
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by cuadrellin
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 44319533):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 29th April 2020 at 9:06 PM
in Solymar, Ciudad de la Costa, Canelones Department, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by vesniqui
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Wednesday, 29th April 2020 at 9:06 PM
in Solymar, Ciudad de la Costa, Canelones Department, Uruguay
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Sao_Paulo)
by vesniqui
This species is native to this region.
Observation (ID 59821190):
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 15th February 2020 at 6:46 PM
in Camino Juan Manuel Bordeu Altura Ruta 226 Km 20, Sierra de los Padres, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by claudioborniego
This species is native to this region.
more details at iNaturalist.org

example picture
(Picture: inaturalist.org, (c) Lucas Rubio, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Lucas Rubio)
Blaptica dubia
on Saturday, 15th February 2020 at 6:46 PM
in Camino Juan Manuel Bordeu Altura Ruta 226 Km 20, Sierra de los Padres, Provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina
Open in Google Maps
(Time zone: -03:00 America/Argentina/Buenos_Aires)
by claudioborniego
This species is native to this region.