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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Post #871:

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Picture in Oberursel

There is a difference between addressing behaviors and attributing characteristics to someone. Behaviors can be harmful, depending on the specific dynamics of the situation. This does not mean that the individuals are bad or harmful. Of course, classifying behaviors is also a form of attributing characteristics, but it is only indirect, context-bound and not generalizing. Above all, it is not aimed at the personality but rather at behavior/thinking.

I approach new relationships with openness and honesty. On a professional level, I often have to weigh my options because there are complex dynamics at play. Nevertheless, I strive for the best possible understanding in those situations as well.

It is evident that when I try to convey what defines me and what I know about myself, I am also the one with the strongest basis for that. I greatly appreciate other perspectives, as they can expand my viewpoint. However, I also approach them with caution, as they can be distorted or inaccurate and harmful.

The wounded self-image of individuals who attribute higher competencies to themselves in recognizing my traits and abilities, which is indirectly questioned by my perspective, should not serve as a basis for power games or aggression.

I understand that it is not easy to grasp when I try to explain the dynamics, and that it can be frustrating. And that this might encourage harmful behavior and I myself am not always free from it either. However, I do not tolerate aggressive behavior. After every moment of frustration, everyone has the opportunity to reflect.

My aim is to maintain a healthy level of self-determination and protect my dignity, especially in situations where others try to control or undermine my abilities or intentions.

It is understandable that I do not leave negative insinuations or attempts to manipulate me unaddressed. This is especially relevant when my ADHD is used as a basis for unfair judgments or false assumptions about me. My resistance, therefore, is not only a defense of my abilities and self-image but also a rejection of manipulative or derogatory behaviors that would reduce me to a false or negative image.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Neurodiversity

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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