Post #481:

This Lourdes grotto in the garden of the Sint-Augustinus nursing home in Berlaar was built in 1912 and got decorated in 1915. Earlier it was also decorated with a church on the top of the grotto.
A Lourdes grotto is a replica of the original grotto at Lourdes, France or a grotto honouring "Our Lady of Lourdes" unassociated with the Lourdes site. St. Bernadette saw "Our Lady" (Mary, mother of Jesus) in this grotto in 1858. In place of the Marian apparition, a Madonna figure adorns the grotto. The original figure was created by Joseph-Hugues Fabisch in 1864 according to Bernadette's instructions.
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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