Post #757:

🌄🚌 This picture was taken in Huertahuayco, during my bus ride from Ica (Atacama Desert) to Cusco (Andes). The election posters were for the regional and local elections in 2018.
When I started using Instagram, I just came back from my best trip ever. I spontaneously traveled alone through Peru for 16 days and took a few thousand photos.😄🇵🇪❤️
👀 Until then, I had only used Instagram passively. I had a little problem because its name means "instant camera telegram" and from my point of view that's how it was primarily used. But that didn't fit my needs well... 🧃🐌
💡This is how I came up with the idea of a timeless Instagram, led by a giant sloth. It's so relaxed, grounded and full of adventure.😜
🕵️ The posts have been spread across the years and - unfortunately - Instagram deactivated the guides in December, but you can still view all Peru posts on my website (link in bio) at any time. Simply click on “Topics” and then “Peru” in the menu.
There might be a few more pictures to come.
🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #perutravel #reisezeit #peru #viaje #reisen #viajerosporelmundo #viajeros #descubrir #southamerica #reiselust #cuzco #backpacker #adventure #perú #worldvision #busride #andesmountains #discoverperu #perù #latinamerica #cuscoperú #anekdota #cordilleradelosandes #andes #anden #cruzdelsur