Post #813:

👻 A mysterious dusk atmosphere two weeks ago in Niddapark in Frankfurt am Main.
💧The ability of the fog drops to float is based on their small diameter, low mass and high air resistance in relation to the force of gravity. Together with the movement of the air, this ensures that the drops remain in the air and form fog. There are about 100 to 500 million drops per cubic meter of fog. These drops scatter the light in all directions, which is why it appears bright and is difficult to see through.
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #landscape #foggy #mystery #landschaft #explore #adventure #naturaleza #paisaje #atardecer #niebla #misterio #fotografía #explorar #viaje #niddapark #frankfurtammain #dusk #fog #physics #atmosphere #mysterious #atmosfera #anochecer #física #atmósfera #naturaleza #misterioso