Post #818:

The Europaturm ("Tower of Europe") seen from the Niddapark in Frankfurt-Hausen. Above me is the A66 motorway with some murals on the bridge pillars. The Europaturm is the second highest (337.5 m) telecommunications tower in Germany. I was up there a few times in my childhood, but the visitor area has been closed since 1999. Here the tower is not usually called Europaturm, but Ginnheimer Spargel ("Ginnheim asparagus"). The Niddapark is a place I like to visit in the summer. Not far from the bridge there is a public fitness park where you can torture your sloth 😁
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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