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Post #907:

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🐞🏘☃️ Why are ladybirds often found indoors in winter? Because the warmth attracts them. The problem is that there is no liquid or food in the house. A trap! Put ladybirds outside, even when it is cold. They will hibernate and wake up again in the spring. It is best to release them where they are not far from a protective hiding place, for example small gaps between objects outside that are protected from rain.

🔥✨️ Intuition isn't always positive or helpful. It relies on instinctive or automatic processes that don't always align with the current situation. The example of ladybugs seeking warmth in winter and dying because they end up in houses instead of going into hibernation illustrates well how intuitive responses can sometimes lead to negative or even fatal outcomes.

🧐 Why Intuition Can Be Flawed:

1. Evolutionary Basis: Intuition and instinctive behaviors are often rooted in mechanisms that have been evolutionarily advantageous. However, they are not always flexible enough to adapt to novel or artificial situations (like human homes).

2. Misinterpretation of Stimuli: Ladybugs perceive warmth in a house as a potential refuge, even though this misinterpretation of environmental cues can be deadly.

3. Automated Behavior: Intuition doesn’t involve conscious, reflective decision-making. It relies on patterns that often—but not always—lead to success.

Humans also experience flawed intuition. A well-known example is the availability heuristic, where people overestimate a danger because they've recently heard about a similar event, leading to irrational decisions.

Its effectiveness depends on how well the underlying patterns match the current situation.

In both cases—whether it's the ladybird seeking warmth in the wrong place or a person making a decision based on an emotional reaction rather than careful analysis—intuition can be both helpful and hazardous. Recognizing the limits of intuition, especially in new or unfamiliar situations, is key to making more informed decisions.

Topic: ➟ Insects

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Post #884:

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🍂🐝 At the end of October on the Northern Hemisphere, common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) enter a phase of retreat and transformation. Most worker wasps and drones die off as the weather cools, while newly fertilized queens find sheltered spots to hibernate through winter, preparing to start a new colony in spring. During this period, the few remaining wasps seek out the last bits of nourishment before the temperatures drop too low for them to remain active.

🌷🌳🍂☃️ When I see a wasp nibbling on a dead spider at this time of year, it becomes a symbol of the last efforts in nature’s cycle. She herself is bound to the limits of her lifecycle, shaped by the greater rhythms of the seasons. She represents a moment when even the smallest beings, like ourselves, must align our actions with nature’s cycle, adapting to external conditions that shape and connect us all.

In this transitional season, the wasp reminds me that our interconnectedness with the world is constantly shifting, just as we must adapt and find our place within the phases of life, always dependent on the larger cycle that sustains us.

Species in this post: Common wasp Vespula vulgaris
Topics: ➟ Insects ➟ Spiders

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Post #878:

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🌦🍂 Last day of September: This paper wasp (Polistes dominula) is dying. In September, all of them die, except for the young queens. It is cold and rainy, and it no longer has the strength to fly.

Wasps evoke different reactions in people. The paper wasp is very peaceful and rarely stings, even if you approach its nest. You can recognize it by its orange wings and legs.

I personally don’t perceive other wasps as aggressive either, as long as one respects their natural behavior and boundaries. I forgive and accept that they are not always capable of such foresight themselves.

However, many people react aggressively or fearfully at the sight of a wasp. These strong emotions limit compassion and make it easier to cause these animals harm.

But even if we try to cultivate compassion, true intentions and contexts can easily be misunderstood.

This wasp is visibly moving toward me. It does not want to attack me. Nor is it seeking contact with me as a person. It simply wants my body heat because, in its own perception, it is freezing and still fighting for survival in its final hour.

Yet I leave it to nature, because I understand that its desire, without its knowledge, would only prolong its own suffering.

Species in this post: European paper wasp Polistes dominula
Topic: ➟ Insects

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Post #781:

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🌸 I completely lost track of time at this tree 🐝

Species in this post: European honey bee Apis mellifera Marmalade hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus Winter-flowering cherry Prunus × subhirtella
Topic: ➟ Insects

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Post #738:

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Picture in Bad Bodendorf

In contrast to most other tachinid flies, the larvae of the bug fly (Phasia hemiptera) do not parasitize on caterpillars but on stink bugs.

The male is easily identified by the wings with iridescent blue-black spots.

Beautiful! 🥰

Species in this post: Bug killing fly Phasia hemiptera Traveller's joy Clematis vitalba
Topic: ➟ Insects

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Post #715:

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Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel

Common flesh fly 🥩
(Sarcophaga species)

It is almost impossible to tell the species apart by their outward appearance, and many can only be reliably identified by microscopic examination of the males' genitals.🔬🔍

In Germany, the gray flesh fly (Sarcophaga carnaria) is particularly common. There are various reports on the diet of adult flies from flower nectar, honeydew and the fluids that form on dung and carrion. The different information may be due to the difficulty in identifying the species. There is also different information about the larvae. Some species lay the larvae on carcasses and dung, others on earthworm entrances, and the parasitic larvae then crawl into the earthworm to develop inside. Some species use snails and other animals as hosts.🐌

Humans can also be infected by some species, such as Sarcophaga barbata. The human larval infestation is called myasis and occurs mainly in tropical or subtropical regions.🤕

Species in this post: Flesh fly Sarcophaga species
Topic: ➟ Insects

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Post #710:

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Common wasps
(Vespula vulgaris)

🏚️💩 What the wasp carries out is dirty old nest material.

⚠️ Be careful around wasp nests. They can get very large and the ground unstable. When I was a kid, I saw another kid from the neighborhood step into a big wasp nest and get so badly stung that the ambulance had to come get him.

⚠️ One should avoid disturbing the nest and generally never breathe in their direction or move frantically.

⚠️ If you discover a nest that is in a threatening location, consult experts and don't take action yourself.

🌍 Wasps also play an important role in the ecosystem, although they are annoying and can be dangerous in some situations.

🐝 Wasps do not produce honey. Their larvae are fed with proteins. These secrete a sweet liquid that the queen feeds on. The adult wasps feed primarily on sugary foods, but they hunt other insects for the brood. Because sick and weak animals are easier prey, wasps help reduce the spread of diseases.

🕊️ I don't usually feel disturbed by the presence of wasps, at least I want the wasps to think so, and I'm fine with it. Every now and then I'm asked to dance while I want to eat outside in the summer. However, I just dodge them and don't hit them. And I never kill an animal for no reason.

Species in this post: Common wasp Vespula vulgaris
Topic: ➟ Insects

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Post #702:

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Picture in Oberursel

Box tree moth,
Cydalima perspectalis

Native to Asia, it has been invading Europe since the 2000s and increasingly the United States in recent years. It has no natural enemies in Europe and has already contributed to the loss of entire forest areas. The caterpillars are poisonous. In its homeland in Asia, the Asian hornet is a natural predator. Although the Asian hornet is also spreading more and more in Europe, this is also a problem, because the Asian hornet also hunts bees and the European bees are not as defensive as the Asian bees.

The appearance and disappearance of individual species can have far-reaching consequences not only for wildlife but also for human livelihoods.

Species in this post: Box tree moth Cydalima perspectalis
Topic: ➟ Insects

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Post #688:

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Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel

This little beauty is a mirid bug (Deraeocoris ruber)🤠🐞

They inhabit forests, but occur mainly on sunny forest edges and open areas.🌳🌞

Mirid bugs prey on various small arthropods such as caterpillars, but particularly aphids.🌿🐛
The prey is killed and sucked out by a sting that is also painful for humans.🧃😋

But that rarely happens.😄

The species is useful and harmless.🤗 However, nature is full of phenomena. In Germany, 2016, a related species (Psallus varians) - within the same family (Miridae) - spontaneously developed an increased appetite for blood and attacked humans and animals in very large numbers.😵🩸🌳

The mirid bug is widespread in almost all of Europe (except the far north and few islands in the Mediterranean and Atlantic) - you find it in North Africa - and further east to the Caucasus. It has been introduced in some areas of North and South America.🌍🌎

Species in this post: Mirid bug Deraeocoris ruber Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Insects

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Post #684:

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Another blink of the sloth's eye
and the flowers bloom again.

🦋 Lasiommata megera, the "wall"
🐝 Bombus hortorum, the "garden bumblebee"
🏰 at the Falkenstein Castle
🌞 last summer


Species in this post: Garden bumblebee Bombus hortorum Wall Lasiommata megera
Topic: ➟ Insects

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