Post #848:

That's how wrinkles form. And I think it's beautiful. ✨️ The special effect of my smile is that it is always a little crooked.😁 My upper teeth are super straight and close together, but my upper jaw is not straight like most people's.
That's because I had braces as a teenager, but not until the end of the procedure. My orthodontist told me that everyone would laugh at me because of it. But actually, I have only received positive reactions to my smile my entire life.🌞
🧒🔍 I think wrinkles are very beautiful - also on women. Some people only smile with their mouths because they want to avoid wrinkles. I think a smiling face that also includes the eyes looks more natural and friendly. It strengthens the facial muscles and contributes to a healthy and lively expression.
Wrinkles are a part of life and often tell a story of joy and lived moments. An authentic smile that reaches the eyes can increase well-being and promote positive interactions.
😊🍀 Instead of worrying about wrinkles, it might be better to focus on a happy and fulfilled life, which is reflected in a genuine and warm smile.
Topic: ➟ Selfies
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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