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Post #897:

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Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel

Synaptic Optic (2008)

A fictional / symbolic representation:

The green "flower" represents an algae in resemblance of a neuron. The spiral stands for light and transformation and acts here as a technical component. The wires reveal a neuron. The star-shaped one is the soma and the closed circle is the cell nucleus. The chain-like shape is the axon. Overall, the wire mesh is intended to represent a neuromorphic computer.

Neurons can be controlled optogenetically. Optogenetics is a method that allows neurons to be activated or inhibited by light. This is achieved by genetically introducing light-sensitive proteins into the neurons. The genes for this come from algae and bacteria.

When I created the picture, optogenetic techniques, where light is used to specifically activate neurons, made significant progress and opened new possibilities for controlling neural activity.

There were also major developments in brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), with both non-invasive methods like EEG and invasive techniques such as implanted electrodes being refined to extract precise brain signals. Robots and other devices began using these signals to perform human-like movements or assist people with disabilities. Machine learning was increasingly used to decode these brainwaves and turn them into actionable commands. Artificial intelligence helped analyze neural patterns and translate them into actions, taking the interaction between humans and machines to a new level.

These advancements seemed no longer just futuristic but immediately achievable. The idea of merging human biology with technology was fascinating and offered a glimpse into a future that was already becoming a reality. Today, this topic remains a source of endless creative and technological possibilities, continuing to shape not only how we understand the world, but also how we interact with technology and how it is transforming our society and lives.

Topics: ➟ Digital art ➟ Neurodiversity

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Post #805:

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Picture in Bommersheim

Catching the teardrops of the broken-hearted 🪻

In the past, the love-in-a-mist (Nigella damascena) was given by young women to their admirers as an expression of rejection.💔

Species in this post: Love-in-a-mist Nigella damascena

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Post #674:

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Picture in Kessel Heath Picture in Kessel Heath Picture in Kessel Heath Picture in Kessel Heath Picture in Kessel Heath

The heath in Kessel, Belgium is characterized by heather, swamps, drifting sand and ponds. Heath landscapes are a beautiful example of the interplay of culture and biodiversity. 6000 years ago 80 percent of Europe was still covered by forests. Heath areas naturally occurred only in very rare cases on coasts, in moorland areas and in the mountains. Then people started to use the forests for themselves. They required grazing land and thus not only changed the landscape, but also created new habitats for many different species. The extensive use of deforested and cleared areas resulted in increasingly nutrient-poor soils and grazing animals were bred that are particularly suitable for these areas. The upper layer of soil was regularly removed, mixed with animal manure and burned or applied to fields as fertilizer. The rain washed out the last nutrients and specially adapted plant species settled there, followed by rare animals.

These unique ecosystems survive only through active human intervention, which has been achieved through centuries of heath farming. However, this type of farming has become uneconomical, and a large part of the land has been converted into arable land by applying fertiliser. Other areas became forest again because keeping animals on nutrient-poor areas is associated with lower yields. With the loss of the heathland, numerous animal and plant species are threatened with extinction. And all the beauty that has always inspired painters and poets could simply disappear. It could hardly have been the biodiversity alone that led to active conservation efforts, but rather the cultural connection to this romanticized landscape form. We keep what we find beautiful and we can only find beautiful what we can see.

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Post #622:

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Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel

My great-grandfather
Dr. phil. Werner Hilpert
(17. January 1897 in Leipzig - 24. February 1957 in Oberursel)

Today is the 65th anniversary of his dead and I want to remember him.

Student of Economics, Legal Science and Philosophy

1916 -1918:
Fought in Romania and France (World War I)

1918 - 1920:
Continued studies and received doctorate in philosophy

Department secretary to the Statebank of Saxony

1920 - 1932:
Assistant/Syndicus to the Union of Leipzig Retailers

1922 - 1932:
CEO of the Linoleum Merchants Union

Member of the Leipzig city council

1932 - 1933:
President of the Centre Party in Saxony

Forced by the Nazis to give up all positions in politics and economy

1932 - 1937:
President of the Catholic Action in Saxony and open resistance against the Nazis

1932 - 1938:
Self-employed business consultant and syndicus, trying to provide Jewish business owners best working conditions

Authorized representative for Jewish citizens in "Aryanizations" in collaboration with Carl Goerdeler

Risk of being arrested in connection with the Röhm-Putsch

Office burnt down in Kristallnacht

Arrested by the Gestapo

1939 - 1945:
Political prisoner in Buchenwald concentration camp and member of the Buchenwald Resistance

Liberation by the Americans

One of five Germans on the Buchenwald International Camp Committee

Entrusted with certain tasks of the American military government

Taking part in founding the CDU party in Frankfurt am Main

1945 - 1952:
President of the CDU Hesse

1945 - 1951:
Deputy Prime Minister of Hesse

1946 - 1947:
Economics and Transport Minister of Hesse

1947 - 1951:
Minister of Finances of Hesse

1952 - death:
President and Finance Director of the Deutsche Bundesbahn

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Post #562:

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Picture in Römerberg

The Römerberg (Roman Mountain) in Frankfurt. A year ago today.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens

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Post #441:

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The Römerberg (Roman Mountain) in Frankfurt.
Numerous coronations of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire took place on this square. Afterwards they met for the coronation meal in the town hall. The town hall, called Römer, built in the 15th century, was destroyed in the Second World War. You see a bit on the very right side. Since it was foreseeable that Frankfurt would be the target of bombs, much could be saved from the destruction beforehand and the building was documented as well as possible. So a very authentic reconstruction was possible.

The church is the medieval Lutheran Old St Nicholas Church. It was only slightly damaged by the bombing. Construction of the church began in the 13th century. It has had its current appearance since the 15th century. In the course of the Reformation, the church temporarily lost its function. It was leased for over 150 years and used as an archive of the municipal lay judge's court and at times as a warehouse during trade fairs. The lease was terminated in 1719 and the church was inaugurated again in 1721 after restoration.

In the building on the very left there is a small coffee and exchange office. There is a connection between the owner and me. His father was the American Ernest Biberfield from District Information Services Control Command. When my great-grandfather was still assigned administrative tasks in the Buchenwald concentration camp after the end of WW2, Bieberfield informed my family about the early takeover of Thuringia by the Soviet occupying powers and about my grandfather, who was missing in the West.
So my great-grandfather traveled to the American zone at the invitation of the American headquarters in Frankfurt.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens

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Post #400:

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Sloths are time travelers.


Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens

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Post #384:

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Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel

The monument to my great-grandfather Werner Hilpert (1897-1957) in the Dr.-Werner-Hilpert-Siedlung (Dr. Werner Hilpert settlement), east of the former Camp King in Oberursel, Germany.

He was a politician who took his humanist ideals very seriously. That's why he's a very important example for me. If you ask me if I'm a better person because of my great-grandfather, then I can only affirm that. It's my responsibility to keep the memory alive.

In 1932 he became President of the Center Party in Saxony until the dissolution in 1933. He lost all functions. From 1932 to 1937 he was President of the Catholic Action in Saxony and was in open opposition to National Socialism.

In collaboration with Carl Goerdeler he was adviser and authorised representative of Jewish citizens in "Aryanization". The resisters saved the lives of many Jewish families.

He worked as a syndic in a Jewish business building, trying to keep working conditions as human as possible. His office also burnt down during Kristallnacht in 1938.

In September 1939, he was arrested by the Gestapo. He spent the next 5 1/2 years in Buchenwald concentration camp as a political prisoner.

He was member of the Buchenwald Resistance and the Buchenwald Popular Front Committee. They not only campaigned for the prisoners, but also considered how Germany should continue after National Socialism.

In 1945, after Germany was freed from the Nazis, he took part in founding the CDU party in Hesse and was elected President of the CDU Hesse.

The second picture shows an election poster for the state election of Hesse in 1946. [License by CDU,]

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #287:

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Sometime in a parallel universe. Such recordings succeed only sloths. If you move too fast, the universe is frightening.

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Post #284:

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Picture in Zeppelin-Museum

A bicycle in the Zeppelin Museum near Frankfurt am Main. ✌

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