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Post #880:

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Unusual sight: Self-empowerment in men is often met with resistance. This resistance stems from the perception that men are already dominant and favored, and there’s a prevailing expectation for them to always appear strong. I find that such views have some weaknesses, especially in terms of compassion, communication and, above all, health. My open approach to discussing emotions and vulnerabilities is a testament to strength and compassion.

Approximately 7 to 10 percent of people have ADHD, with men being disproportionately affected. I see no danger in expressing my authenticity and openness. You cannot accuse me of anything I don’t already acknowledge about myself. In fact, those who cling to outdated gender roles are often breeding their own tormentors. In a society where individuals are afraid to be themselves, manipulation and deception become the only means of survival.

Having experienced the consequences of such behavior in my own life, I have developed a strong aversion to it. By being open about my emotions and struggles, I create an environment where others can feel comfortable doing the same. This openness helps to create healthier relationships, greater self-awareness, and genuine connections.

It’s time to reject these outdated norms and create an inclusive society where all people can live authentically without fear of judgment or rejection. My journey represents a step toward this change and serves as a call to others to embrace their true selves.

Showing myself as I do in the picture is symbolic of my courage, because everyone in my neighborhood and the whole world can see me like this. Do I care if I fulfill your expectations or if I am criticized? Not really. I follow the community guidelines and do what I want.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topics: ➟ Neurodiversity ➟ Selfies

🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #857:

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Picture in Bommersheim

🧩 Although we humans tend to divide the world into clear categories and fixed boundaries, our true strength lies in our diversity. Our species, rich in different traits and personalities, embodies the principle that makes life in all its forms successful: diversity. Each of us is unique, whether through our appearance, preferences, or emotions. We choose different words, react differently to joy or sorrow, and our relationships are as individual as we are.

☄️ Moreover, we are adaptable – what we like today may seem strange to us tomorrow. This continuous change reminds us that our attempts to organize the world into categories must always be open to expansion and adaptation. Instead of rigid boundaries, we need flexible frameworks that allow space for the unexpected.

🦖 However, understanding and appreciating diversity doesn’t mean we must accept everything indiscriminately. It's equally important to set clear boundaries and make decisions that align with our values and well-being. In dealing with others, we might approach each person with empathy and an open mind, but also with the wisdom to know when to stand firm and when to be flexible. True connection and growth come from balancing acceptance of others with respect for our own needs and principles.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topics: ➟ Neurodiversity ➟ Selfies

🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #851:

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Picture in Oberursel

In my last post, I talked about the reactions I’ve had because of my ADHD. Even today, almost twenty years after I first found out I have ADHD, I still face similar issues. My own family used to treat me like I was mentally ill. My half-brother and my cousin, who I almost never had contact with, deliberately reached out to people I knew to tell them about 'my illness' and supposed drug use. I was pushed away, both socially and by my own relatives. That was about ten years ago. It wasn’t that they directly said, 'We don’t want you anymore!,' but they treated me with so little respect and decency that I felt I had to distance myself to protect my self-worth. That was the smartest decision of my life, and I encourage anyone in a similar toxic situation to consider doing the same. I find my happiness and contentment within myself, in nature, and with all the kind people who give me hope.

Not only was that extremely hurtful, but it also caused lasting damage to my reputation, because it obviously carries weight when people who are supposedly close to me make such claims. Even today, I can still counter such allegations. That's why it's important to be careful with such claims.

ADHD often comes with a lot of positive traits, like thinking in unconventional and flexible ways, and yes, I can even use my impulsiveness in a good way. While I might not be able to go to bars or other crowded places with too much sensory input, you can have a wonderful time with me in nature or enjoy some creative fun. I might not be able to do every job, but what I can do, I do really well. My self-worth has never depended on what others think of me, and that’s exactly why I’ve often clashed with people. Even in school, people tried to make me believe I had low self-esteem because I didn’t follow the crowd. But by not doing so, I actually showed the opposite of what they tried to project onto me. Life is too beautiful to waste it on feeling ashamed for others. If you meet me in the tall grass, get ready to be tackled! 🌾👀🌿

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topics: ➟ Selfies ➟ Neurodiversity

🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Note: The contents of this website have been researched to the best of my knowledge and belief, but they may contain errors or be oversimplified. The articles serve as inspiration and for the exchange of experiences and are intended to impart knowledge. Anyone who wants to seriously engage with my topics should also use other sources. Private or personal details may be adapted for the public audience and may not always be completely true.

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