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Hesse, a state in the heart of Germany, is characterized by a diverse biocultural landscape. From the wooded low mountain ranges like the Taunus and the Vogelsberg to the fertile valleys along the Rhine, Hesse offers a wide range of habitats for a variety of plant and animal species. The flora is marked by deciduous and coniferous trees in the forests, as well as typical Central European plants such as beeches, oaks, and chestnuts. The fauna includes a variety of species, including deer, wild boar, foxes, badgers, and various bird species like woodpeckers and owls. The people of Hesse have developed a close relationship with nature over the centuries, reflected in traditions such as the preservation of orchards and the protection of nature reserves. Despite challenges from land use, urbanization, and climate change, the protection and preservation of this biocultural diversity remain crucial for the future of Hesse and the well-being of its residents.

Post #800:

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Picture in Grill'scher Arm

While the Egyptian goose (Alopochen aegyptiaca) is only known to most Europeans as an invasive species, it once had divine significance in its namesake homeland. Although its original distribution area extended across almost the entire African continent, it was particularly worshipped in ancient Egypt, especially around Thebes. There it was considered a deity, Gengen Wer, "the great cackler," whose loud cackle filled the primordial darkness and who laid the world egg in a mulberry tree in Heliopolis, from which light and the world then emerged. This deity was one of the various manifestations associated with the complex Egyptian pantheon, which included the fertility aspects of gods like Amun. People assumed that creation was a continuous cycle and that every human being hatched from an underworld goose egg.

Species in this post: Egyptian goose Alopochen aegyptiaca

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #759:

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Picture in Stierstadt train station

When we allow ourselves to exist in nothingness, the absence of expectations tells its own story.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Selfies

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #776:

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Picture in Hirschgarten

In deadwood, it is common for fungi to decompose more organic material than they directly consume. This is because fungi engage in extracellular digestion, producing enzymes to break down the complex material of deadwood into simpler compounds. During this process, nutrients in the wood are released for the fungi and other organisms in the surrounding ecosystem.

The rich microbiome developing on deadwood can also contribute to decomposition and nutrient release. The diversity of microorganisms colonizing deadwood, including various fungal species and bacteria, enhances the efficiency of decomposition and nutrient release.

Deadwood decomposition plays a vital role in the ecosystem by recycling nutrients and making them available for the growth of new plants and organisms. While fungi utilize nutrients for their own growth, other organisms also benefit from the released nutrients, contributing to a rich and diverse ecosystem.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #733:

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Picture in Hirschgarten Picture in Hirschgarten Picture in Hirschgarten

When it's unbearably hot, the best thing to do is go into the forest and cool off by the stream. 💦🥰🌲🌳 And it's even better if you can watch fallow deer (Dama dama) playing.😊

Species in this post: Domestic dog Canis lupus familiaris European fallow deer Dama dama Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Zoo

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #725:

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Picture in Lochmühle Amusement Park Picture in Lochmühle Amusement Park Picture in Lochmühle Amusement Park

My little brother and me 😊

Species in this post: Domestic sheep Ovis aries Human Homo sapiens
Topics: ➟ Selfies ➟ Zoo

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #812:

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Picture in Kalbach

Drop it like it's hot 💩

A mirid bug (Deraeocoris ruber) defecates on a hemp leaf. In fact, insect excrement is about as warm as its surroundings.

Species in this post: Cannabis sativa Cannabis sativa Mirid bug Deraeocoris ruber
Topic: ➟ Insects

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #799:

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Picture in Kalbach

From a flower's perspective. Today, we are all flowers! 🌸🌻🌼🪻🏵🍀

Species in this post: Common dandelion Taraxacum officinale Red clover Trifolium pratense

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #717:

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Picture in Kalbach

Beautiful shiny hoverfly!✨🐝

I suspect it is a Melanostoma species. Pretty sure a male.

The distance between the eyes of hoverflies is always narrower in males than in females.👀

Their larvae eat aphids and the adults feed on flower nectar and pollen.🌺🌼🌸

📊 Around 48,000 animal species have been identified in Germany, including over 33,000 insect species. Insects make up around 70 percent of all animal species in Germany.

Species in this post: Melanostoma hoverfly Melanostoma species
Topic: ➟ Insects

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #686:

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Picture in Nürings Castle

Behind me you can see the presumed remains of Nürings Castle. Around 1100, the Counts of Nürings built a residence on the mountain. After the male line died out in 1171, the county of Nürings was first taken over by the Lords of Münzenberg and then by the Lords of Bolanden. In 1233, after a division of the family property, Philipp von Bolanden called himself "von Falkenstein". This new Falkenstein line removed the remains of Nürings Castle and built New Falkenstein Castle right next to it.


Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Selfies

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #839:

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Picture in Frederic Hilpert - Media & Marketing Solutions

Rudolf Kortokraks would have turned 96 today. He was an influential artist of expressive realism. The photo shows him playing with his cousin, my grandmother Gabriele (also a realist painter).

Recently his daughters became aware of me. Anna sent me this photo and I already knew it from my grandmother. I colored it and removed scratches.

He was a student of Oskar Kokoschka and later taught at the Summer Academy in Salzburg, which was founded by Kokoschka. Rudolf Kortokraks was associated with the "School of Seeing," also initiated by Kokoschka. This is an approach to art education that emphasizes direct observation and the intuitive grasp of reality.

Here are some of the core principles:

1. Direct Perception: Central to the philosophy is the ability to see and capture the visual world. Students are encouraged to develop their skills in observing the world around them with fresh eyes and to authentically depict what they see.

2. Emotional Experience: Alongside visual perception, emotional experience plays a crucial role. Art should not only represent what is seen but also convey the artist's inner feelings and reactions.

3. Individual Expression: The "School of Seeing" promotes personal style and individual expression. There are no rigid rules or prescribed styles; artists are encouraged to find their own paths and realize their own visions.

4. Intensive Nature Studies: Nature and reality are key sources of inspiration. A deep engagement with nature and a careful study of forms, colors, and light are central to the practice.

5. Holistic Learning: Art is seen as an integral part of human life and thought. Interdisciplinary approaches and the interplay of art with other areas of life are encouraged.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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