Expressing your own aesthetics is healthy because it demonstrates self-respect, self-expression, and self-confidence. Feeling comfortable and emphasizing your personal aesthetics promotes self-confidence and well-being. It can also contribute to developing a positive self-image and self-acceptance, which in turn can improve mental well-being.
Furthermore, expressing your aesthetics on social media can be a way to connect with like-minded individuals, unleash your creativity, and showcase your personality. It can be a means of self-realization and expressing your individuality, which is important for a healthy self-concept.
In some pictures I show myself unclothed or highlight areas of bare skin. There are prejudices about this for a variety of reasons. Showing skin is not an expression of sexual availability for either men or women. There is no other information about personality either. For me, finding your own body aesthetically is the most normal thing in the world.
It's important that people have the freedom to celebrate their own bodies and aesthetics in their own way, without feeling restricted by prejudices or societal norms.