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Post #451:

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Picture in Chapel of the Resistance

The chapel was built in 1946 in memory of the killed members of the resistance of the Secret Army, an armed Belgian resistance group. The symbol of this resistance group is an inverted triangle with a lion's head. The secret army was mainly active from 1944 after the Allies landed in Normandy. In September 1944, several resistance fighters gathered in this forest to attack the Germans with the Allies. The German troops became aware of the preparations due to treachery and attacked the animal shelter in Rotem (code name: Anatol), in which more than 130 resistance fighters from the region were killed or captured.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #448:

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Picture in Oberursel

My favorite house wall in Bommersheim.🌿🧱😁


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #441:

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The Römerberg (Roman Mountain) in Frankfurt.
Numerous coronations of the emperors of the Holy Roman Empire took place on this square. Afterwards they met for the coronation meal in the town hall. The town hall, called Römer, built in the 15th century, was destroyed in the Second World War. You see a bit on the very right side. Since it was foreseeable that Frankfurt would be the target of bombs, much could be saved from the destruction beforehand and the building was documented as well as possible. So a very authentic reconstruction was possible.

The church is the medieval Lutheran Old St Nicholas Church. It was only slightly damaged by the bombing. Construction of the church began in the 13th century. It has had its current appearance since the 15th century. In the course of the Reformation, the church temporarily lost its function. It was leased for over 150 years and used as an archive of the municipal lay judge's court and at times as a warehouse during trade fairs. The lease was terminated in 1719 and the church was inaugurated again in 1721 after restoration.

In the building on the very left there is a small coffee and exchange office. There is a connection between the owner and me. His father was the American Ernest Biberfield from District Information Services Control Command. When my great-grandfather was still assigned administrative tasks in the Buchenwald concentration camp after the end of WW2, Bieberfield informed my family about the early takeover of Thuringia by the Soviet occupying powers and about my grandfather, who was missing in the West.
So my great-grandfather traveled to the American zone at the invitation of the American headquarters in Frankfurt.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #431:

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You see it,🌻 as you feel it.❤

Species in this post: Common marigold Calendula officinalis
Topic: ➟ Video art

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #426:

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Picture in Oberursel

What? A narcissus on Instagram?😂 Should I tell you a secret?🙃 I found most of you based on certain criteria. An essential criterion of this is authenticity! As a nature lover, I like real people. You do without this whole idealized self-portrayal. That is why I like you very much and you may also like yourself very much!💖 Actually, this beautiful flower doesn't deserve it's name. Fortunately, it can also be called daffodil.☝😏 Narcissism is an addiction to yourself. The pathological desire to give yourself love because it doesn't come from the outside. Narcissistic people therefore often feel alone and displace their own self.

Self-love, on the other hand, is the acceptance of your own personality, the acceptance of what and how you are. It means trusting yourself, respecting yourself and appreciating your own worth. Self-acceptance plays a crucial role in this.

I am an introvert man with a flowery nature and that is exactly what I am good at!😊🌻

Species in this post: Wild daffodil Narcissus pseudonarcissus

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #425:

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Picture in Oberursel

"The Coronation of the Old King" 👑 ⠀ ⠀

Yesterday, shortly after sunrise, the third highest mountain of the Taunus, the Altkönig ("Old King"), shone in an unusual splendor of colors.😍


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #421:

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Old friend, is it snow? ❄🌻🌻❄

Species in this post: Common sunflower Helianthus annuus
Topic: ➟ Video art

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #420:

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Picture in Sacred Garden

Sacred garden of the Coricancha temple. Spanish chroniclers describe it as a garden of golden plants with leaves of beaten gold, stems of silver, solid gold corn-cobs and 20 life-size llamas and their herders all in solid gold. Also many other animals like colibris, snakes, butterflies and even spiders formed a detailed garden of gold and silver. Gold was considered the "sweat pearls of the sun" and silver the "tears of the moon".🌞🌚

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Peru

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #419:

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Picture in Coricancha

Coricancha "The Golden Temple" with Convent of Santo Domingo above. The Coricancha was the most important temple in the Inca Empire. It was destroyed during the Conquista. It must have been very impressive with lots of gold decorations. The remains form the foundation of the convent. There is a museum inside which also includes art collections (Cusco School and contemporary art). The green area is the sacred garden. The man in the white shirt is just leaving a small archaelogical museum, which is located directly under the garden.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Peru

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #418:

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That's on my way from Santa Teresa (Machu Picchu) to Cusco (capital of the Inca Empire). I traveled with a colectivo, that's what the collective buses are called in South America. The whole trip was an adventure. A little later, when it was already dark, we stopped in the middle of a winding road somewhere in the mountains. We had to push the bus for it to start again. Most of the other passengers, although native, hardly spoke Spanish. Not every Peruvian speaks Spanish as a mother tongue. Quechua is the most spoken language in some regions. When we finally arrived in Cusco, it was after midnight. I remember how excited I was when I finally got to the hostel.😁

Topic: ➟ Peru

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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