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Post #937:

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Picture in Oberursel

First the cereal, then the milk!☝️ I'm not just a cereal killer, I'm also a milk monster. That's why I know what I'm talking about. 🥣🥛🌾

😋 Let's ignore the fact that breakfast cereals are great at masking the desire for sweets. Now it's all about clearing up the misinformation!

🤓📊📈📚 It's often said that the question of what comes first is all about the crunchiness. In reality, however, the question then is why you add milk (or something similar) at all! If it was all about the crunchiness, it would make sense to put the milk in the bowl first and then the cereal, because this reduces the surface area in contact with the milk and the cereal floats on the milk, so to speak.

⭐️🚀 But in reality, it's a question of taste! Milk contains fat, which binds fat-soluble flavors and prolongs their release in the mouth. That's why it's important to add the cereal first and then the milk. This increases the milk contact surface, which leads to a better distribution of flavor and thus a greater enjoyment experience.

🌡🥛 It is also important that the milk (or alternative liquid) is not completely cold. To make the flavors more available, it is beneficial to let the milk warm up a little, for example by leaving it at room temperature for a while.

🌱✨️ In addition, soaking cereals in liquid activates the enzyme phytase, which breaks down phytic acid. Phytic acid can bind minerals such as iron, zinc, magnesium and calcium, thereby inhibiting their absorption in the intestine. Even though most people like their cereal crunchy, soaking it is associated with health benefits.

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #922:

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Picture in Oberursel Picture in Oberursel

Little Vincent doesn't even try to think about becoming independent ❤️🤭

A man in his fourth decade who cherishes his stuffed animal and carries it playfully in his heart may embody a deeper form of maturity (one rooted in self-care and appreciation) than someone who seeks importance in the lives of others out of self-interest, creating dependencies to secure personal advantages. This latter behavior reflects an infantile craving for the metaphorical milk of gratitude, masked as maturity.


This contrast highlights the tension between external expectations and internal realities. It does not suggest that all who care for others do so selfishly, nor that every adult who finds joy in a stuffed animal embodies a higher wisdom. Rather, it exposes the superficiality of rigid stereotypes and quick judgments, inviting a more nuanced reflection on what it truly means to grow.


Another example: What age were you thinking of when I spoke of the fourth decade? In fact, the first decade begins at birth. The probability that you thought of me as 10 years older is very high because few people think in such a nuanced and attentive way.


Furthermore, does maturity have something to do with the active effort to look behind the facade?

⁉️ 🧱 👥

True maturity involves a conscious effort to see beyond surface-level appearances, judgments, and assumptions. It requires recognizing the difference between what’s projected outwardly and what’s actually going on beneath the surface. This deeper awareness allows for empathy, understanding, and the ability to navigate the world with wisdom. It’s not just about understanding yourself, but also seeing others for who they really are, not just as they present themselves to the world.


The first impulse can be important, but the decision to question it and learn more is the key to a deeper understanding.


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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #857:

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Picture in Bommersheim

🧩 Although we humans tend to divide the world into clear categories and fixed boundaries, our true strength lies in our diversity. Our species, rich in different traits and personalities, embodies the principle that makes life in all its forms successful: diversity. Each of us is unique, whether through our appearance, preferences, or emotions. We choose different words, react differently to joy or sorrow, and our relationships are as individual as we are.

☄️ Moreover, we are adaptable – what we like today may seem strange to us tomorrow. This continuous change reminds us that our attempts to organize the world into categories must always be open to expansion and adaptation. Instead of rigid boundaries, we need flexible frameworks that allow space for the unexpected.

🦖 However, understanding and appreciating diversity doesn’t mean we must accept everything indiscriminately. It's equally important to set clear boundaries and make decisions that align with our values and well-being. In dealing with others, we might approach each person with empathy and an open mind, but also with the wisdom to know when to stand firm and when to be flexible. True connection and growth come from balancing acceptance of others with respect for our own needs and principles.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topics: ➟ Neurodiversity ➟ Selfies

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #830:

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Picture in Bommersheim Picture in Bommersheim

🙃💭 At the intersection between 'Peace Linden' and 'Wall Street'. A wall serves as a fortification and protection. It is a means of fulfilling the need for peace. But if everyone isolates themselves, there can be no exchange and mutual understanding. The needs of one party can change, and those who do not identify with others could feel justified in using their strengths to their advantage.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Selfies

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #807:

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Picture in Großer Feldberg

🖌👹 Devil's paintbrush, Pilosella aurantiaca

Due to its rapid and extensive appearance, it represents chaos. Like a brushstroke that suddenly sweeps across the landscape.🔥

Chaos by Stanley Moss: "[...] Chaos is not a “sometime thing,” its face and back are turned to and from us, what I cannot see is beautiful, or an isthmus that connects almost nothing to almost nothing — the great unless, either/or. I grab on to metaphor, uncertainty, dark matter, gravity specific. The motto I nail to my door: The Devil generalizes, angels are specific. Chaos makes me merry, string or rose-by-any-other-rose theory, romance of the rose, roses that go with any other flower, from devil’s paintbrush to huckleberry. From fertile Chaos sprang Eros and Night: Chaos danced first with Eros, then jealous Night. Time carries a scythe, women and men sound the hour. I model for myself, I pose in north light. [...]"

You can find the complete poem on the Internet. It is very complex, unusual and, if read carefully, reveals a fascinating interweaving of chaos and order.

Species in this post: Devil's paintbrush Hieracium aurantiacum

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #784:

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Picture in Oberursel

"Survival of the fittest" is often misunderstood. It was originally meant to imply that the most well-adapted species prevail, not necessarily the "fittest" species. This means that the success of certain traits is not solely dependent on the efficiency of those traits. Rather, it is a complex interplay of environmental conditions, competition, pests, and much more. The success of a trait can largely depend on luck, such as favorable conditions for its spread within a stable population or its extinction due to an event. The fragility of populations is evident in the many species currently facing extinction—evolutionary marvels that suddenly disappear. Traits may take millions of years to develop or may never emerge again. When applied to humans, this is an important realization as it undermines race theories and eugenicist ideologies. The sole basis of these dehumanizing ideologies is a perceived superiority easily refuted by evolutionary insights. There is no basis for considering any physical traits as inferior. However, there is a good reason why this argument is rarely heard: a discussion about the value of human life is incompatible with insights from ethical philosophy. Human dignity is inviolable, and every individual determines their own worth. A discussion about the value of human traits or peculiarities should not even be entertained, as such a discussion is inherently undignified. Unfortunately, there are increasingly societal concepts that garner support with antiquated and dehumanizing views. It is important to employ reason and humanity to oppose such developments.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Selfies

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #379:

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The Dead Flowers 🌻💀🌱

Do these dead flowers look like they're looking for the light?
They are bowing their heads to the ground.
Humble, they yield to the course of nature.
Fetuses in the wind of change, on the umbilical cord of Mother Nature.
They blur in the amniotic fluid of the universe.
They transcend as the whole world.

Species in this post: Common sunflower Helianthus annuus

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #146:

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Picture in Oberursel

(Created 06/2007)

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Digital art

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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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