Post #807:

🖌👹 Devil's paintbrush, Pilosella aurantiaca
Due to its rapid and extensive appearance, it represents chaos. Like a brushstroke that suddenly sweeps across the landscape.🔥
Chaos by Stanley Moss: "[...] Chaos is not a “sometime thing,” its face and back are turned to and from us, what I cannot see is beautiful, or an isthmus that connects almost nothing to almost nothing — the great unless, either/or. I grab on to metaphor, uncertainty, dark matter, gravity specific. The motto I nail to my door: The Devil generalizes, angels are specific. Chaos makes me merry, string or rose-by-any-other-rose theory, romance of the rose, roses that go with any other flower, from devil’s paintbrush to huckleberry. From fertile Chaos sprang Eros and Night: Chaos danced first with Eros, then jealous Night. Time carries a scythe, women and men sound the hour. I model for myself, I pose in north light. [...]"
You can find the complete poem on the Internet. It is very complex, unusual and, if read carefully, reveals a fascinating interweaving of chaos and order.
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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