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Neozoa (invasive species) are animal species that move into new areas through human activities and establish themselves there. This can happen in a variety of ways, such as the exotic pet trade, the release of animals from captivity, or the unwanted introduction of species via ships or other means of transport. Neozoa can include both terrestrial and aquatic species.
The introduction of neozoa into new ecosystems can have far-reaching ecological and cultural consequences. On the one hand, they can threaten native species, either through direct competition for resources or through the transmission of diseases. On the other hand, they can also change human perceptions of nature and wildlife by introducing new species into landscapes that did not previously exist.
The management of invasive species therefore requires careful monitoring and management measures to minimize their impact on biodiversity and human health. This may include controlling invasive species, restoring habitats and raising public awareness of the risks and consequences of introducing neozoa.
Overall, neozoa illustrate the complex interactions between human activities, biological diversity, and cultural practices. Their occurrence and spread are closely linked to global trade and transport flows and underline the importance of an integrated and coordinated approach to the protection and conservation of ecosystems worldwide.
This list shows species ordered by the proportion of observations marked as "introduced". The data is based on observations from iNaturalist users and therefore may contain inaccurate information.
The percentage value shown implies how many observations were made outside the original distribution area.

Domestic horse
Equus ferus caballus
96 observations in the last 30 days
100% introduced
Domestic cat
Felis catus
128 observations in the last 30 days
99.99% introduced
Bos taurus
73 observations in the last 30 days
99.84% introduced
Giant African land snail
Lissachatina fulica
104 observations in the last 30 days
99.62% introduced
European fallow deer
Dama dama
Eight observations in the last 30 days
99.43% introduced
Brown anole
Anolis sagrei
126 observations in the last 30 days
99.08% introduced
Asian ladybeetle
Harmonia axyridis
160 observations in the last 30 days
96.78% introduced
Domestic sheep
Ovis aries
54 observations in the last 30 days
96.36% introduced
Brown marmorated stink bug
Halyomorpha halys
121 observations in the last 30 days
96.09% introduced
House mouse
Mus musculus
96 observations in the last 30 days
95.79% introduced
Box tree moth
Cydalima perspectalis
Five observations in the last 30 days
94.68% introduced
Domestic dog
Canis lupus familiaris
114 observations in the last 30 days
93.32% introduced
Myocastor coypus
109 observations in the last 30 days
88.09% introduced
Lama glama
11 observations in the last 30 days
86.61% introduced
Domestic goat
Capra hircus
79 observations in the last 30 days
83.98% introduced
European honey bee
Apis mellifera
185 observations in the last 30 days
82.87% introduced
Egyptian goose
Alopochen aegyptiaca
142 observations in the last 30 days
81.38% introduced
European paper wasp
Polistes dominula
106 observations in the last 30 days
78.41% introduced
Domestic house spider
Tegenaria domestica
28 observations in the last 30 days
74.03% introduced
Arion species
29 observations in the last 30 days
70.17% introduced
Common earthworm
Lumbricus terrestris
29 observations in the last 30 days
68.94% introduced
Indian peafowl
Pavo cristatus
112 observations in the last 30 days
63.3% introduced
Madagascar giant day gecko
Phelsuma grandis
Five observations in the last 30 days
60.71% introduced
Common pill woodlouse
Armadillidium vulgare
125 observations in the last 30 days
59.14% introduced
Garden snail
Cornu aspersum
116 observations in the last 30 days
57.23% introduced
Bathroom moth midge
Clogmia albipunctata
102 observations in the last 30 days
54.5% introduced
Eurasian collared dove
Streptopelia decaocto
150 observations in the last 30 days
51.04% introduced
Leopard slug
Limax maximus
117 observations in the last 30 days
48.87% introduced
Common green bottle fly
Lucilia sericata
22 observations in the last 30 days
47.52% introduced
Musca domestica
27 observations in the last 30 days
47.17% introduced
Domestic guinea pig
Cavia porcellus
Seven observations in the last 30 days
46.49% introduced
Jamaican field cricket
Gryllus assimilis
Four observations in the last 30 days
46.15% introduced
Seven-spot ladybird
Coccinella septempunctata
131 observations in the last 30 days
42.01% introduced
Common leopard gecko
Eublepharis macularius
Four observations in the last 30 days
40.54% introduced
European garden spider
Araneus diadematus
25 observations in the last 30 days
36.88% introduced
Grove snail
Cepaea nemoralis
105 observations in the last 30 days
34.19% introduced
European hornet
Vespa crabro
26 observations in the last 30 days
32.06% introduced
Buff-tailed bumblebee
Bombus terrestris
110 observations in the last 30 days
29.96% introduced
Common striped woodlouse
Philoscia muscorum
110 observations in the last 30 days
26.71% introduced
Camelus dromedarius
22 observations in the last 30 days
23.03% introduced
Mute swan
Cygnus olor
131 observations in the last 30 days
22.79% introduced
Yellow mealworm beetle
Tenebrio molitor
Three observations in the last 30 days
22.22% introduced
Brown-tail moth
Euproctis chrysorrhoea
Seven observations in the last 30 days
21% introduced
Common crab spider
Xysticus cristatus
Three observations in the last 30 days
16.09% introduced
Sickle-bearing bush cricket
Phaneroptera species
12 observations in the last 30 days
16% introduced
Crane fly
Tipula species
18 observations in the last 30 days
14.92% introduced
Devil's coach-horse beetle
Ocypus olens
25 observations in the last 30 days
13.8% introduced
Canada goose
Branta canadensis
193 observations in the last 30 days
12.51% introduced
Anas platyrhynchos
277 observations in the last 30 days
10.65% introduced
Common wasp
Vespula vulgaris
56 observations in the last 30 days
10.01% introduced
Garden banded snail
Cepaea hortensis
28 observations in the last 30 days
7.08% introduced
Domestic silk moth
Bombyx mori
No observations in the last 30 days
6.45% introduced
Pyrrhocoris apterus
113 observations in the last 30 days
5.52% introduced
Vicugna pacos
Four observations in the last 30 days
5.36% introduced
Roman snail
Helix pomatia
105 observations in the last 30 days
5.15% introduced
African fat-tailed gecko
Hemitheconyx caudicinctus
Three observations in the last 30 days
5% introduced
Monarch butterfly
Danaus plexippus
126 observations in the last 30 days
4.51% introduced
Two-spot ladybird
Adalia bipunctata
95 observations in the last 30 days
3.49% introduced
Two-spotted cricket
Gryllus bimaculatus
23 observations in the last 30 days
2.75% introduced
Drugstore beetle
Stegobium paniceum
Four observations in the last 30 days
2.27% introduced
Desert locust
Schistocerca gregaria
21 observations in the last 30 days
1.94% introduced
Corn snake
Pantherophis guttatus
71 observations in the last 30 days
1.48% introduced
Flesh fly
Sarcophaga species
Four observations in the last 30 days
1.09% introduced
Hummingbird hawk-moth
Macroglossum stellatarum
103 observations in the last 30 days
0.85% introduced
Great house spider
Eratigena atrica
32 observations in the last 30 days
0.78% introduced
Sahara frog
Pelophylax saharicus
13 observations in the last 30 days
0.5% introduced
Picnic beetle
Glischrochilus quadrisignatus
One observation in the last 30 days
0.28% introduced
Garden bumblebee
Bombus hortorum
One observation in the last 30 days
0.2% introduced
Corvus frugilegus
125 observations in the last 30 days
0.06% introduced
Sand lizard
Lacerta agilis
Six observations in the last 30 days
0.04% introduced