These posts are part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
These posts are part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Like a fish in water, a sloth in bed,
Where the jungle's laws are timelessly wed.
Survival whispers through canopy's shade,
A dance of life in every glade.
I am dreaming.
No clock but hunger, no map but stars,
The wild, a canvas of nature's scars.
Here, instincts reign, and freedom's found,
A world where primal hearts resound.
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #naturepoetry #primalenergy #instinct #naturallife #wordsofwisdom #earthvibes #creativewriting #selfie #morningvibes #cozy #intuition #faultiermode #poetrycommunity #instapoet #selflove #naturalvibes #beyourself #relaxation #bedtime #smilemore #humansofinstagram #poesía #intuición #momentos #relajación #sonríe #modonatural #vibraspositivas
🌹 Black Mirror: Talisman
The word talisman was borrowed in the 17th century from the Italian “talismano”, which comes from the Arabic طلسم / ṭillasm and means “magic image”. The Arabic word in turn can be traced back to the Middle Greek “τέλεσμα (télesma)”, which means “offering, consecrated object” or in Byzantine “magic object”.
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #smartphone #blackmirror #thorns #roseart #technology #nature #performance #art #display #mobilephone #noreflection #internet #kunst #performanceart #captivating #orientation
🌉 Like a Chakana, a flower acts as a bridge between the layers of the world. It connects nature with our inner reality.
🌺 They grow in meadows and front gardens and invite us to enter into a dialogue. Whether we take a moment to soak in the beauty around us, or whether we engage with their aesthetics to bring joy to others, their appearance is a compliment to open our minds.
🐝 As soon as our eyes land on a flower, we hum the gift of being in this world.
🧠 Not only are they aesthetically pleasing, they also promote mindfulness and a positive attitude.
🌸 The genus Cosmos was given its name in 1791 and translated from Greek means harmoniously ordered universe. Therefore, the garden cosmos (Cosmos bipinnatus) symbolizes a universal truth in an enchanting way.
🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #cosmosbipinnatus #flowers #pflanzen #kosmeen #flores #bloem #natur #blumen #neophyte #blumenwelt #flores #pinkflowers #lovenaturesbeauty #delicate #kosmos #blütenzauber #petals #wildpflanzen #blumenliebe #poesie #rosablumen #poetic #respectnature #spazieren #autumnflowers #flowershots #🌸 #naturephotography
🌀 My trip to Peru was very impulsive – I felt a sudden urge, and it took only two weeks until I was on a plane to Lima. So this modern interpretation of the Chakana replaced my talisman six years ago.
⛰️ I bought this Andean cross from an old man on a hill in Sacsayhuaman. My intuition led me, on my first day in Cusco directly to this mysterious place, where an estimated 20,000 people once worked on its construction. I sat with the man on the hill for about half an hour, and he explained his interpretation of the Chakana to me, along with this site, which was likely used for military and ritual purposes.
🌐 The original Chakana existed about 2,000 years before the rise of the Inca Empire. The triangle is a modern variation for tourists; however, it symbolizes the trinity of the condor (upper world), puma (this world), and snake (underworld), and perhaps the three moral principles "do not lie", "do not steal", and "do not be lazy". The four planes represent the cardinal directions, seasons, and stages of life. It has 12 edges, like the months of the year. In the center, as a unifying element of origin, is the sun, a central deity.
🏔 The traces of the Inca were visible throughout my entire journey. Rock carvings, often with animal motifs, can be found on almost every mountain. Every mountain is alive, and many are sacred. It was a deeply nature-connected, inquisitive, organized, and spiritual culture. In Quechua, "Chakana" roughly means "acting as a bridge". The old man told me – even if it was his imagination – that the Inca at Sacsayhuaman would repeatedly undergo ritual cycles of the cosmos here before setting out to other places, like Machu Picchu. My journey also led me toward Machu Picchu a few days later, and the pendant accompanied me on this exciting adventure.
🧭 A few months later, I created "megagroundsloth," and to this day, I wear this pendant daily because, for me, it’s not only a powerful memory but also a symbol of guidance and encounter.
🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #perutravel #reisezeit #peru #viaje #reisen #chakana #talisman #inca #machupicchu #pyrite
🍂✨ When I look at the Ginkgo in its autumn colors, I see a story that reaches back much further than most other plants. Ginkgo biloba is a living fossil, a tree that has endured across millions of years. Yet it is more than a species frozen in time—its subtle adaptations to new environmental conditions remind me that even the oldest lineages of life can transform without losing their origins.
The Ginkgo’s autumnal shedding of leaves is a beautiful example. A tree that sheds its leaves is constantly in dialogue with its surroundings, pausing and conserving energy for the year ahead. Its leaf, delicate and fan-shaped, becomes a bridge between ancient evolution and present-day adaptation. In letting go of each leaf as the season shifts, it seems as if the Ginkgo has long understood that real strength lies in release.
This thought brings me to a deep connection with the Ginkgo: its adaptability and survival are not mere relics. They are a testament to balancing past and present, to the art of adapting to conditions while remaining true to one’s core. The Ginkgo shows that evolution doesn’t necessarily mean losing our roots but rather creatively engaging with what was, and what could be.
🌳🍂👣💭 As I contemplate this tree, I feel a reflection of myself in a world that demands constant change. Just as the Ginkgo has learned to thrive across climates and seasons, I too stand within a field of ancient influences and modern forces. The tree reminds me that my own self, with all its primal and contemporary elements, has a place here—one that allows not only survival but the possibility of flourishing.
🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #boomliefde #amolosárboles #treelove #ginkgo #ginkgobiloba #ginkgotree #ginkgoleaves #baumfotografie #boomfotografie #fotografíadeárboles #treephotography #naturverbundenheit #natuurverbinding #conexiónconlanaturaleza #natureconnection #livingfossil #spirituality #árbol #tree #wondersofnature #symbolism #vitality #miracles #wunschbaum #blätter #wunderdernatur #treefriends #wishes
🍂🐝 At the end of October on the Northern Hemisphere, common wasps (Vespula vulgaris) enter a phase of retreat and transformation. Most worker wasps and drones die off as the weather cools, while newly fertilized queens find sheltered spots to hibernate through winter, preparing to start a new colony in spring. During this period, the few remaining wasps seek out the last bits of nourishment before the temperatures drop too low for them to remain active.
🌷🌳🍂☃️ When I see a wasp nibbling on a dead spider at this time of year, it becomes a symbol of the last efforts in nature’s cycle. She herself is bound to the limits of her lifecycle, shaped by the greater rhythms of the seasons. She represents a moment when even the smallest beings, like ourselves, must align our actions with nature’s cycle, adapting to external conditions that shape and connect us all.
In this transitional season, the wasp reminds me that our interconnectedness with the world is constantly shifting, just as we must adapt and find our place within the phases of life, always dependent on the larger cycle that sustains us.
🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #vespulavulgaris #vespula #insects #vespa #wespe #insekt #insekten #entomology #tierwelt #sterben #tierwelt #insectos #avispa #wespen #nature #money #perception #lifecycle #lebenszyklus #leben #biodiversität #naturentdecken
✨️🌌 I crafted this talisman myself back in 2006, the year I learned about my ADHD. Even before the diagnosis, I knew I was different. Due to my strong interest in nature, I had noticed parallels between myself and animals even before my diagnosis.
🐯 This is not a bad thing — indigenous cultures often seek their strength and abilities through a spiritual connection with animals. In fact, there is growing evidence suggesting that ADHD might have evolutionary roots, linked to traits that were advantageous in hunter-gatherer societies.
💀 This evolutionary mismatch hypothesis suggests that modern environmental factors, such as a sedentary lifestyle, mean that certain individuals are no longer optimally adapted, which may contribute to the difficulties we recognize as ADHD. Although this is still a hypothesis, I believe that in biology, nothing makes sense except in the light of evolution.
🤠 I have always felt a strong urge to explore nature, and there has never been anything more interesting to me than discovering. This intrinsic drive aligns well with behaviors observed in hunter-gatherer societies, where this knowledge is essential for survival. Animals, too, learn about their environment in similar ways.
🧬 I know that I inherited this passion for nature from my mother’s side, while my father is the one in whom I clearly see ADHD symptoms and behavior. My maternal grandfather also showed some ADHD characteristics.
🛖 When I consider that my closest circle of friends consists mostly of people with ADHD, it can be assumed that we have a similar interaction style, which probably also plays a role in our choice of partner.
🧫 Perhaps I am simply a unique combination of various prehistoric traits that complement each other.
🌱 Thus, it is understandable that I feel a strong connection to nature. This talisman represents value creation. The forked branch symbolizes creation, and the amber in between symbolizes value. Just as the branch splits and takes on a new shape, the amber was formed over time from resin.
🧠 You can now find scientific articles and studies on this topic in my broadcast.
🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on megagroundsloth.deFor someone with ADHD, it’s difficult to speak publicly about the subject when you feel systematically disadvantaged. But it’s precisely those who are affected who can offer real insight, while the media mostly spreads stereotypes and idealized images. I’ve noticed how popular overly simple answers have become, paired with an aggressiveness that leaves no room for nuance. I’ve realized that a lot of what seems helpful at first glance turns out to be the opposite.
We’re talking about slogans that reduce negative behavior to "evil" personality traits. Many people seem to live in a world full of so-called narcissists and disrespect. But most of the people labeled as "narcissists" aren’t that at all. Often, it’s the person making these accusations who’s showing self-centered thinking and limited understanding. People quickly applaud when certain figures simplify behavior with bold, clear words. "People don’t change. If your partner lies to you, it’s a lack of respect!"—what a statement. If only the world were that simple.
When you rely on your own assumptions about another person's motives, you enter the inner workings of the person in conflict without showing understanding, but rather empowering yourself over that person and the conflict.
Humans are not here to fulfill each others personal expectations, there is always a greater context. Communication is not about forcing people into boxes. People aren’t footballs to be kicked into the goal of your perception; they’re complex beings, full of flaws, fears, and mistakes. I realize this poorly nuanced, highly polarized circus.
What I’m trying to say is this: the drive for simple answers and clear-cut villains misses the point entirely. Human beings, especially those with ADHD or other challenges, don’t fit neatly into black-and-white categories. As long as we keep falling for these cheap simplifications, we prevent real understanding and deepen the divide.
🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #thoughts #moon #conflicts #reflection #mindset #development #emotions #neurodiverse #diversityoflife #challengeyourself #relationship #humanbeings #respect #understanding #communication #mindfulness #empathy #sorrel
Strange? Neither an animal, nor a plant, nor a fungus— something entirely unique with astonishing capabilities. The slime mold Physarum polycephalum is the largest single-celled organism in the world. What you see in the images is the yellow plasmodium feeding on grains of rice. The rectangular piece of agar is the medium on which I acquired the slime mold in its dry dormant phase (sclerotium).
The life cycle of Physarum polycephalum consists of several phases. It initially begins in the spore phase, where the slime mold survives by forming spores that are dispersed in the environment. These spores are resilient and can endure for long periods under unfavorable conditions. When conditions are favorable, the spores germinate and develop into mobile amoebas known as myxamoebas. These myxamoebas are amoeboid and can actively move in search of food, such as bacteria and organic matter.
When multiple myxamoebas meet, they can fuse together to form a plasmodium. In this multinucleate phase, which is responsible for growth and feeding, the slime mold exhibits remarkable behaviors, efficiently navigating mazes and remembering pathways as well as negative experiences.
When environmental conditions become unfavorable, such as during food scarcity or drought, the plasmodium transforms into the fruiting body phase, in which it produces fruiting bodies that contain spores. It is important to note that the plasmodium also transforms into the fruiting body phase in response to light. These spores can then revert to the spore phase, completing the life cycle. Additionally, the slime mold can enter a dry dormant phase, during which it shifts into an inactive state and survives as a sclerotium until conditions become favorable again.
Moreover, Physarum polycephalum can split into multiple individuals and fuse with other individuals, merging memories as well. Not only does it serve as a model organism for science, but its capabilities also stimulate philosophical reflections on how to define intelligence.
🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #slimemold #physarumpolycephalum #mypet #alien #biology #science #biología #biodiversity #curious #mindblown #slime
Unusual sight: Self-empowerment in men is often met with resistance. This resistance stems from the perception that men are already dominant and favored, and there’s a prevailing expectation for them to always appear strong. I find that such views have some weaknesses, especially in terms of compassion, communication and, above all, health. My open approach to discussing emotions and vulnerabilities is a testament to strength and compassion.
Approximately 7 to 10 percent of people have ADHD, with men being disproportionately affected. I see no danger in expressing my authenticity and openness. You cannot accuse me of anything I don’t already acknowledge about myself. In fact, those who cling to outdated gender roles are often breeding their own tormentors. In a society where individuals are afraid to be themselves, manipulation and deception become the only means of survival.
Having experienced the consequences of such behavior in my own life, I have developed a strong aversion to it. By being open about my emotions and struggles, I create an environment where others can feel comfortable doing the same. This openness helps to create healthier relationships, greater self-awareness, and genuine connections.
It’s time to reject these outdated norms and create an inclusive society where all people can live authentically without fear of judgment or rejection. My journey represents a step toward this change and serves as a call to others to embrace their true selves.
Showing myself as I do in the picture is symbolic of my courage, because everyone in my neighborhood and the whole world can see me like this. Do I care if I fulfill your expectations or if I am criticized? Not really. I follow the community guidelines and do what I want.
🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.
This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
© File Usage Guidelines This post on #ADHS #neurodiversity #nature #beyourself #selfempowering #blackandwhite #schwarzweissfotografie #schwarzweiss #blackmirror #gesellschaft #society #masculinity #masculinitysaturday #rolemodels #genderroles #strength #wahrestärke #truestrength