Post #724:

Biting Ladybug! Yes, I got bitten on the arm by a ladybug and it pinched a little! 🐞🤕
I last had a similar experience when I was six years old, when a ladybug bit me painfully in my best part.😅🤭
Until now I wasn't sure if the ladybug bit me or if its defensive secretion caused the pain. But it was definitely a bite both times.
🔍 So I did some research and it is actually known that the Asian ladybug (Harmonia axyridis) bites people from time to time. They do this from a lack of food or fluids. Allergic reactions are possible but very rare. It's very dry here at the moment because it's very warm and it rarely rains.
However, when I was bitten in 1992, the Asian ladybug had not yet been documented in the wild in Germany. The first record of free-ranging Asian ladybugs in Europe was in Belgium in 2001.
In the meantime, one finds almost exclusively Asian ladybugs (images 1 and 2).
⚠️ Two-spot ladybugs (images 3 and 4) and other native ladybug species are now classified as highly endangered.
This two-spot ladybug (Adalia bipunctata) got lost in my room yesterday. It is a rare color variant, found in 15 percent of the species. Two-spotted ladybugs are usually red with a black spot on each elytra. The black variant is black, with two to three red spots per elytra.
Topic: ➟ Insects
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This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.
Further information about this art project Related post on InstagramCreator of this post is Frederic Hilpert
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