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Post #786:

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Picture in Oberursel

The European paper wasp (Polistes dominula) has a much calmer temperament than the common wasp. It has a wide range of hunting habits, including different insects and spiders. The European paper wasp is a social insect and absolutely worth learning more about its interesting behaviour. Originally native to Eurasia and North Africa, it has now spread to all continents, replacing native species there.

Species in this post: European paper wasp Polistes dominula
Topic: ➟ Insects

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #783:

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Picture in Bommersheim

So tiny and beautiful! 🌸🥺
And pretty awesome! 😎🌸

The herb-Robert (Geranium robertianum) can align its leaves perfectly with the light and can even survive in cave entrances. When the sun is very strong, its own sun protection turns its leaves red. This little flower is very well adapted to rocky ground and finds the city the perfect habitat.

Both sexes are often found on one plant, which means it can pollinate itself. It has deeply hidden nectar for insects, as it is happy about any opportunity for fertilization.🌸🐝

The fruit can shoot its seeds up to six meters away, or cling to fur and clothing like a burr.

It is considered a lucky charm and was used as a medicinal plant from early on. So it is not only a beautiful sight, but also an impressive species with outstanding properties.

Species in this post: Herb-Robert Geranium robertianum

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #782:

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Picture in Bommersheim

In a big garden, there was a tulip, looking beautiful and proud. She stood tall among the other flowers.

But one day, she saw the clouds floating in the sky and wished she could be there too.

So, she tried to reach the sky, growing taller every day. Finally, she reached the clouds, but the wind blew her back down.

Feeling sad and tired, the tulip realized she belonged on the ground. She learned to appreciate her beauty and enjoy life on earth, while still admiring the sky from below.


Species in this post: Tulip Tulipa species

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #780:

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Picture in Commercial area "An den Drei Hasen"

🌸🌸🦥 The happy Easter sloth doesn't hide eggs but sniffs flowers and lazes around all day 🤗🌸🌸

Species in this post: Japanese cherry Prunus serrulata

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #778:

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Picture in Berlaar


I leave you some cherry plum blossoms and take a little break 🤗

Species in this post: Cherry plum Prunus cerasifera

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #770:

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Picture in Bommersheim

What's my state of mind? 🫣
Hopefully the last selfie with this hat.
Even though I have to shave my ears again, I'm looking forward to sunshine and rainbows and moths in my fur.*


*Metaphorical moths.
Sloths live in symbiosis with sloth moths.
That tingles!✨️🥰

You should also appreciate a slo-mo symbiosis. 🫠🕰


Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Selfies

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #769:

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Picture in Bommersheim

Bask in the golden glow of a summer sunset, casting its warm hues over a lush rye field, with the majestic silhouette of the Altkönig "Old King" looming in the distance 🫠❤️‍🔥

Species in this post: Rye Secale cereale

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #744:

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Picture in Bad Bodendorf Picture in Bad Bodendorf Picture in Bad Bodendorf Picture in Bad Bodendorf Picture in Bad Bodendorf

The ivy bees (Colletes hederae) are one of the 15 species of plasterer bees native to Germany.


Their nests are lined with a cellophane-like plastic using secretions from two glands at the end of the abdomen and on the labium ("lower lip"). That's why they are also called polyester bees. In Germany we call them silk bees "Seidenbienen".

🌱🎶🐝🕳️ 🐝🕳️ 🐝🕳️🎶🌱🌞

They live solitary in colonies, in sunny locations with no or sparse vegetation, where they dig their holes. Each species of plasterer bees specializes in the pollen of a particular plant, as does the ivy bee.


The distribution area of ​​the ivy bees in Germany is concentrated in the Upper Rhine Plain and the Middle Rhine (where these photos were taken) as well as the Moselle Valley. However, since 2006 there has been a major wave of spread. The bees have also developed a novel preference for kindergarten sandboxes.


They are peaceful animals who were not disturbed at all by my presence. The females have a very weak stinger, which they only use in extreme danger. There are no known allergic reactions.


Species in this post: Ivy bee Colletes hederae Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Insects

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #741:

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Picture in Bommersheim

European garden spider (Araneus diadematus) 🕷️💕

Every year, an adult female garden spider builds her web in this preferred spot. The mating season begins at the beginning of August.

Sexually mature females secrete a substance whose smell attracts males.

However, the guys only notice the smell when they are up close. Therefore, the males themselves have to be good at finding and reaching promising places as well.

Garden spiders live for two years. Sexual maturity begins in the second year. The males die after mating, the females some time after laying their eggs (September-October).

Species in this post: European garden spider Araneus diadematus
Topic: ➟ Spiders

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #740:

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September heatwave 🌡️🔥🌊🌞

The beginning of autumn was only pretended.
Now it's back to ice cream and tropical nights.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topic: ➟ Selfies

This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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