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Post #939:

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Picture in Commercial area "An den Drei Hasen" Picture in Commercial area "An den Drei Hasen" Picture in Commercial area "An den Drei Hasen"

💝✨️ Love with Clarity and Balance – A Valentine’s Greeting with the Flax Flower (Linum usitatissimum)

Love is more than just a feeling – it is a harmony of emotion and reason. Just like the blooming flax flower is not only beautiful but also provides valuable Omega-3 fatty acids through its seeds, a mindful diet can support our emotional stability and cognitive abilities.

🧠🫀 Why Omega-3 for Mind and Heart?

🧮🧩 Enhanced Cognitive Function: Omega-3 fatty acids are essential for the cell membranes of our neurons. They improve neural communication and can strengthen memory, concentration, and logical thinking.

💔❤️‍🩹 Emotional Balance: Studies show that Omega-3 (especially EPA and DHA) can help reduce stress and anxiety. They contribute to calming impulsive reactions and improving emotional regulation.

🌈☀️ Reduced Susceptibility to Cognitive Biases: A well-nourished brain is better at recognizing and avoiding thinking errors like black-and-white thinking or the base rate fallacy.

👨‍❤️‍💋‍👨 Greater Resilience in Relationships: Those who are emotionally balanced can approach conflicts more calmly, resolve misunderstandings more effectively, and respond with greater reflection.

👨‍👩‍👦 Whether in relationships or daily life, the right balance between heart and mind helps us navigate highs and lows more consciously. A well-nourished brain is a clear-thinking brain.

With that in mind, I wish you a Valentine’s Day filled with love, clarity, and inner balance! 💙🌿

⚠️ Additional information:

🐟 Only about 5-10 percent of the alpha-linolenic acid in linseed oil is converted into EPA and DHA. Sea fish and algae offer better and more direct availability of these fatty acids.

‼️ Linseed contains hydrogen cyanide, which is why only about 15 grams of linseed per meal is recommended.

‼️ Particular caution is required for children and pregnant women - please inform yourself about possible dangers beforehand.

Topic: ➟ Neurodiversity

🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

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Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #918:

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Picture in Bommersheim Picture in Bommersheim Picture in Bommersheim Picture in Bommersheim

🐦‍🔥🔥🐣 I am like a phoenix that always rises from its own ashes.

I had lost 14 kg in body weight in about a year due to the emotional stress I was experiencing. I gained it back in less than a month.

I had communicated quite openly that I was going through a difficult time. As a man, however, you don't need to hope for any kind of emotional support.

That's also a good thing: You can't get comfortable in the role of victim.

On the one hand, it is claimed and expected that men should open up emotionally and learn to talk about difficulties. At the same time, it is proven time and again that as soon as men do this, they are ignored and dismissed as weak.

What a spectacle! 😉

One reason why many men plunge into self-destruction (alcohol, drugs, etc.) or use violence to "take control". I didn't do that. I dealt with it artistically, I informed myself, communicated and sought exchange. And then I made decisions and rebuilt myself.

I have proven that I am strong. But I have also proven what is unhealthy! Namely the "social" way we interact with one another.

One day I openly expressed my frustration in the stories because the behavior here hurt me. I even apologized for the reaction our toxic dynamic caused in me. Many people thought that was great.

It is interesting that an apology for an understandable reaction - without wanting to justify it - was met with so much approval, but almost nobody was interested in the causes. 😉

By doing so, people are signaling that they only want to see positive things from me, that vulnerability only applies if it affects them personally or promises some benefit. That the social idea in social networks has nothing to do with social responsibility and exchange, but actually only serves as a means of self-presentation and entertainment.

As soon as I present myself as strong here in a superficial way and visibly high interaction rates give people an indication of what they can and cannot like, everyone runs after me like drooling chickens.

Anyone who has even a basic understanding of who I am will also understand that this won't work with me.

Topic: ➟ Selfies

🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #906:

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Picture in Hidroelectrica

⛰️🏞 A stream in the distant lands of South America begins deep within a dense forest, hidden beneath the canopy where the air is thick with moisture and secrets. It is a quiet revelation, an inexhaustible whisper emerging from the earth as if the world itself seeks to tell its innermost story. So too, does the human mind.

The stream is not a mighty river, not the Amazon carrying cities or feeding oceans. It is a modest origin, a winding thought between roots, rocks, and moss. Yet therein lies its strength: it understands what remains hidden. Its water, clear and cool, reminds us that the inconspicuous often harbors the most essential things.

The stream mirrors the mind of someone with ADHD. Its flow is unpredictable, leaping from one point to another, changing pace and direction, as if it searches for a path with no clear destination. But like the stream, this mind has a deeper purpose, an inner harmony that reveals itself only to those who look closely.

The dense forest symbolizes the societal prejudices, the misunderstandings surrounding it. It is thick, a labyrinth of opinions and stereotypes, threatening to swallow the stream whole. Yet the denser the forest, the clearer the truth becomes: the stream cannot be stopped. It carves its path because water must flow—it is its nature to move.

Elementally, the stream is a metaphor for the relentless force of life. Water, finding its way through obstacles, is the symbol of the mind that unfolds despite pressure and constraint. It may seem wild, impulsive, and chaotic, but it carries within it a purity and depth that can only be revealed through movement.

And when the stream leaves the forest, uniting with other waters and finally emerging into the light, it is no longer the small, chaotic trickle it once was. It becomes part of something larger, a river that gives life and connects worlds.

Just as the human spirit with its uniqueness: every impulse, every curve, every sudden turn drives it forward—toward a greater understanding, a deeper current that unites it with the world.

Topics: ➟ Neurodiversity ➟ Peru

🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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Post #862:

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Picture in Oberursel

🐝 Busy like a bumblebee!

🌻 At 13, while living in a children’s home, I took the initiative to find my first job at a garden center, working a few hours each week, becoming the youngest in my family to seek and find employment independently. At 14, I moved to Hessen to live with my father and at 15 began working as a newspaper carrier, a job I held until I was 17. By then, I had completed internships as a bank clerk, gardener, and zookeeper. I also started teaching myself web programming and image editing at 14, followed by two internships at an advertising agency. By 22, I had completed my training as an IT specialist and by 23, I was active in local politics, serving on the board of a political youth organization for three years.

🧱 Due to health issues and related prejudices, finding jobs was challenging. For example, I worked as a deputy team leader in a security archive and also took on night shifts at a conveyor belt sorting station, despite the strain on my health due to the sensory overstimulation (ADHD). I also hold a forklift license and other certifications in warehousing and logistics, and have the endurance to handle more than 20,000 packages a day.

👾 Meanwhile, I earned professional qualifications in marketing and media design and now work as a full stack web developer and designer for print and digital media.

🌿 Despite unfounded accusations of laziness or drug use, I have never had the means or social context for regular drug use. I don't even drink alcohol. I have no criminal record, and ADHD is not a psychotic illness. I enjoy nature, photographing animals and plants, and pursuing my interests. When faced with accusations, I see them as reflections of others’ deficiencies, not my own worth.

Species in this post: Human Homo sapiens
Topics: ➟ Insects ➟ Neurodiversity

🤗 For a more nuanced discussion, please feel free to use the comments section, private messages or the anonymous contact form on my website.


This post is part of the artistic performance The Happening on Instagram.

Further information about this art project Related post on Instagram

Creator of this post is Frederic Hilpert

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